12: Prankster

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It's April Fools Day! That means I can prank whoever I want, and not get in trouble! I start plotting. "M, what are you planning?" Evie asks me. Back on the Isle, I was the one you were scared of, especially on this day. "Uh, nothing." I lie. She just rolls her eyes. Time for the first pranks! I silently run down the hall.
I get to Carlos and Jay's dorm. I knock. No answer. Perfect! I open the door and run to their bathroom. I grab Jay's deodorant. I take out the stuff inside and replace it with cream cheese. I get out of their bathroom and go to Carlos's side of the room. I grab Dude, who was sleeping. He didn't bark or anything, which was amazing.
I run back to my dorm with Dude. I open the door. "Seriously?" Evie says annoyed. She then sees I have Dude. "Carlos, is gonna go nuts!" she laughs. "That's the plan." I reply. I spell up an invisible cage for Dude. I put him inside. I feel so evil. "What do you have planned for me?" Evie asks. "Not sure yet." I lie.
I have a plan for everyone. She looks relieved. "I'm going to breakfast." she sings. She leaves. Time for a prank. I grab her makeup bag. There's this thing, I think it's called foundation, I replace it with blue face paint. She will freak. Time for Ben and Chad's.
I go to the cafeteria. Everyone is there. I search for Ben and Chad. I found them! They are both at the same table too. I walk over there. "Ben, we need to talk." I state. "About what?" Ben asks. "We should break up. I have feeling for someone else." I answer. "Who?" Ben whispers while trying to keep back tears. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I grab Chad's shirt and kiss him.
Tears fall down from Ben's face. "I'm happy for you two." Ben says. He's about to walk away when I grab his arm. "April fools!" I yell. Ben smiles and then kisses me. "I gotta go." I tell him. I walk to Audrey and Lonnie's dorm. I knock and there's no answer. I go into the unlocked dorm.
People here are too trusting. I grab Audrey's favorite dress. I do a spell to make a replica of the dress. I hide the real one under her bed. I grab a pair of scissors and start cutting up the clone. I go over to Lonnie's side. I do the same thing but to a replica of her favorite hip-hop outfit. I stand back and admire the work I did. I leave their dorm and head to my next victim's dorm.
I knock on Doug and Chad's dorm. No reply. I open the door and go over to Doug's side. I spell up a fake test. I write a big fat 'F' on it. I leave their dorm and go to Jane's dorm. I don't bother knocking and just go in. As usual, no one is there.
I spell up 24 pumpkins all around her room. I decide to head back to my dorm. I see a frantic Carlos, a mad Jay, and a blue Evie. "What happened to you guys?" I laugh. "You said you weren't going to prank me." Evie whines. I laugh again. "Where is Dude?" Carlos hisses.
     I walk over to the invisible cage. I let Dude out and spell the cage away. "Dude!" Carlos screams. "You!" Jay yells at me. Everyone I pranked soon comes. They are all mad. I tell them it was a prank and then I fix it.
      It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun. I lay down and sleep takes over me.

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