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(Yet to be edited!!!)


"WHAT!" I jolt up. Nearly hyperventilating, sweating, heart racing.
"Was that just a dream?" I whisper. I flicker my eyes around the room, adjusting to the dark light. I see the rusty metal cellar bars, leading to cracked concrete, dripping and leaking from what's seems to be rain out side. I place my cut up hands on the cold concrete, trying to slide against a wall to sit up, hissing in pain from my ankle. A chain echoes the room as a weight pulls my ankle. The chain. I'm still locked up. So I must of dreamt right? Why would I have such a dream?

I lay my head back, taking a few deep breaths, reminding me how dry my throat was. I scrunch my eyes, trying to make sense of this whole situation. I clench my jaw and fists in a ball from frustration.
"....It's not worth it." I say as I breath out, relaxing my body. My frustration trying into sadness as a tear rolls down my check, stinging the odd scrape or cut.

I curl my knees up into my chest, trying to ignore the pain. My arms wrapping around my knees as I sink my head into my arms. A few tears fall on the concrete beneath. I was really regretting running away. But what if I stayed? I would of been dead. But I'm going to be dead in anyways, I'm a rouge! Locked in a stupid fucking cellar.


"Would you stop that?" I snap my head at Dale.
"Stop what?" I ask.
"Your leg." Dale points towards my leg. "The tapping." He adds. My eyes shift to my legs as in sitting in my office chair. Online with Dale as I soon realise the room must of been filled with my foot falling the floor for a good 5 minutes. I was anxious. And my wolf wasn't happy. I didn't what the fuck was wrong with him but he won't communicate back to me. It pissed me off.
"Sorry." I mention to Dale, clenching my hand around my pen.
"Listen man," Dale pauses, "we need to talk about what happened down there."
"No." I snap back.
"Yes. What did you say to that rouge? Why didn't you kill her like you do with every other rouge? Did she have some sort of information?" Dale keeps questioning as he slides off my desk,l and walks closer, my eyes eating his footsteps getting closer, making me more angry with each footstep and question.
"Oh I get it! Was she from one of the rival clans?! She must of been. We must interrogate her!" Great. Know he's jumping to conclusions.
"Shut up." I snap. Making him jump. I sit up in my seat. An odd tingle goes down my spine. My wolf curious.
Why? What is this?
"I'll be right back." I get up from my seat exiting my office. Dale looking confused as all hell.

I had to get down there. My senses didn't feel right. Something was off. Good or bad? I didn't know. But I did like it one fucking bit. I had to get down to the cellar.

"BANG" the door slams open. Echoing loud in the cellar. My breath pacing, with the cold air filling my lungs, it was freezing in here.

I look around, scanning the room. A wave of blood and vanilla.
That girl. Mate.
I relax my body, fixing my composure straight. I slowly walk towards the girl. I could see her shadow. She was leaning up against the wall in a ball. As I enter the cellar my eyes focus, noticing her head dipped down into her arms. A few wet spots on the floor. She must of been crying. My wolf was angry and upset. He wanted to help her. Making me want to help her but I couldnt. She was a threat. A rouge.

I crouch down next to her. Her breath was slow paced, a few sniffles in between breaths.
"Just kill me." She whispered. My wolf sulking. The sweet smell of vanilla mixed with dirty blood. I did feel sorry. I looked down, her enjoy was busted and chained up, her clothes ripped and covered in dirt and blood. I could sense she was weak. Fragile. No harm. But as an alpha I can never let my guard down.

I keep a deep breath and contemplate a crazy decision in my head. I look at the rust chain, tapping my foot.
Damn I do have a bad habit of tapping.
"Fuck it" I say. Grabbing the chain I twist it until it opens, releasing her foot. I quickly wrap my arm around her neck and knees, cradling her. Her body was so limp and lifeless. Like she was dead.

"Wh-where are you taking me?" Her whispered. Her eyes closed. She obviously wasn't strong enough.

I quickly dark down the house pack corridor leading to my bedroom door. I swiftly open it and lay the girl on my bed, placing her softly, cautious of her fragile body.

I hear a soft moan as I snap my head towards her. Her body softly shifting on the silk covers.
"Where am I?" Whispering again. I look at her, trying to find he right words to explain. I stood there for a few seconds, she could barley hold her eyes open.
"Safe." I say in a monotone. A turn around and out the door. Closing the door behind me. As I stood there in the corridor, a million through rushing through my head. And my wolf begging me to go back into the room. Not just yet...


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