It Made No Sense

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The event that leads to a path of nothingness.

An empty, dreary nothingness.

Belief that it leads to an award or punishment.

Or a belief that it leads to nothing.

The imprint it leaves on close ones.

Family, friends.

Seeing their last drawing breath.

The unlucky that never get to say goodbye, or one last 'I love you'.

Those whom are alone, no one there to greet them their farewells.

To end the path of misery, the happiness they never received.

No one to call their own.

The inevitable side of life.

Slipping further away...

My head, hanging loosely above the open casket, that holds the body of the one I once called my best friend. His skin white, as pale as death. His dark locks flowing along the curves of his face. The peacefulness in his presence, eyes lightly shut, his lips softly parted.

It was the day. The day I say my final farewells. Someone I've known for as long as I can remember. It was an event that made no sense. His body stiff on the on the floor, fresh tears trickling down his cheeks. The life was drained from his face. The one whom was energetic moments ago was laying on the floor in a lifeless state. He was sent to hospital, only to be unconscious for the rest of the week. He was only aware in this final moments, his own mother holding him tight.

It made no sense.

"Brad, it's time to go." My wife Rhonda softly holding my hand, pulling me away.

Seconds turned into hours. Hours turned into years.  It all seemed too strange to be real. The 'ceremony' felt slow, an eerie type of slow. The slowness of lowering the casket into the ground. The cold air slowly sending shivers down my veins.

It made no sense.

The dark, muddy dirt, filling the almost empty space. Set down by the ones with blank, empty faces. It was simply their job, I'm sure they would of chosen a 'happier' living if they could. Even an office job would be enough to satisfy them.

It made no sense.

A space on the ground, with no headstone. A headstone with words soon to be carved in it.

'Adam Wade Gontier

May 25 1978 - March 28 2008

Cause of Death: Unknown'

An unknown illness. It made no sense.

None of this made any sense.

My wife in the driver's seat of the car, saying reassuring words.

~He's in a better place~

~At least he died doing what he loved~

They meant well, but it wasn't enough. There was something that felt odd. I just couldn't comprehend. I couldn't put my finger on it.

It made no sense.


I know this chapter is pretty short. The next one is hopefully going to be an awful lot longer.

Away, hope this chapter made sense. My writing is all over the place.

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