Chapter 8~Ha ha..ha

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Jacks P.O.V

"Babe? You haven't said anything since we got here, you good?" Felix says, turning to me.

I start to panic, "U..uh ye..yeah.."

Shit, what is wrong with me?! I can't control myself around him..

"I...I'm fine.." I say, trying to smile, "I think I just need some sleep, I'm super tired."

I rub my eyes and do my best fake yawn, raising my arms above my head, "it's super dooper late, but we will talk tomorrow," I say, glancing quickly at Mark and then back to Felix. I give Felix a quick kiss and walk into my bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind me.

I walk over to my bed and fall backwards, my head hitting my pillow. I rub my eyes and sigh loudly, what the fook is my problem? I can't act naturally around Mark, and my stomach gets all weird.

I grab my phone and scroll through Instagram. Before I know it my hands start typing @ markipliar. I see multiple fan accounts but eventually find his. I scroll through his pictures that are filled of pictures of him and his dog. Awww that little pupper is cute. And so is... no Sean, he isn't, just the dog.

I roll my eyes and go to my account and look at my pictures. Most of them are pictures of me and Felix. We both look so happy, and that is how it will stay.

I smile and throw my phone on the bed, letting out another sigh. I turn off the lamp and slam my face into my pillow, tossing and turning until I fall into a deep sleep...


"Sean?" I hear a dark voice behind me. I turn around and see him, his red and black hair falling over his eyes, and his perfect smile.

He walks over and sits beside me on the bench I am sitting on, "this is a very pretty spot," Mark says, his hazel eyes lay upon the lake and trees in front of us.

"It is a good place to clear my mind," I say, glancing over at him.

"I can understand that, what's the matter? You seem stressed," he turns towards me and his brows turn downward, giving me a concerned look. He wants to listen.

"I'm confused, Mark. I was incredibly happy and not confused until I met this new man, and I'm not sure how to feel. I don't know what this feeling is, and I don't want to read to much into it, because I'm happy, but I can't stop thinking about it. Every time I see him, I can't breath and something else takes control. I don't know what to do, I'm lost." I sigh and put my face in my hands.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, it's warm and it makes me warm, "you want my advice? Follow your heart Sean, and trust your judgement. Do what is right for you, not what you think is right."

I sit up and look into his eyes, the chocolate color is pulling me in and I feel it, I feel the connection.

Next thing I know my lips are on his, and his pressing on mine. My hands tangle into his hair, and his arms wrapped around me. This feels right, and I'm happy.

I snap awake, hyperventilating. I look over at Felix, and his eyes are closed shut, and his chest is slowly raising and falling.

I take a deep breath and lay back down, I didn't fall asleep again that night.


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