Deadly Love

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Hey guys you should follow my fan account on Instagram. Its PxlayeBrides.

Marina's Pov

I was busy doing my daily chores when Andy walks into the kitchen. His eyes are blood shot and his black hair is all over the place. He trudges over to the fridge and pulls out a couple of blood bags.

"You can take the rest of the day off," He mumbled to me as he closed the door.

"But this is all I have to do. There isn't much to do around here." I explained to him. There really isn't anything to do. I'm stuck doing chores and going to sleep and that's pretty much it.

"You know where the library is. You can read or I believe there are some games in there. But if you would rather prefer to keep cleaning go ahead." He said as he left.

I decided that I didn't want to clean anymore and I went into the library. I scanned the bookshelves until I saw something interesting to read. I go and sit on the dusty chair in the corner of the library. I started to read the book but I was anxious to talk to Andy. I know that it sounds crazy but no one should have to go through having there love taken away and being brainwashed or whatever happened to her. I shut the book and put it back on the shelf.

I found myself making my way up to Andy's room. I know the risks that I am taking here but I really am getting sick and tired of him being a bump on a log.

"Andy?" I call out as I slowly open up his door. I see his figure move in the dark. 

"What do you want," He mumbled. 

"I was just checking in on you. Making sure nothing serious is going on." 

"You being here can make something serious go on." The words sliced through the air as a threat. But I wasn't going to walk away, 

"You know, I understand you are madly in love with Clarissa but sooner or later you are going to have to let her go. You can't spend all of eternity wondering what is happening to her and if she's going to come home." I try to explain to him. Maybe I could break through."

"I KNOW exactly what is happening to her right now! How hard she is struggling to find a way to break out of that hell hole. They changed her, messed with her head! Freedom is all she deserves."

"How do you know that she wants to break out of there? You said yourself she didn't remember who you were."

"A dream. She came to me, in a dream. I know it was real. I could feel her, see her, and talk to her. I know she is back."

"If your so certain you are in love with her than why didn't you go flying to get her after you had the dream?" I asked. 

"I want you to get out of my room." Andy demanded.

"You cant keep hiding in here." 

"I said GET OUT" He yelled and chucked something right past me. I knew that was my cue to leave so I got out of there. 

I scurried to my room and closed the door. He's really lost his mind. I laid down in my bed and looked up at the ceiling wondering what my mom and dad were up to. And my boyfriend. What if he found someone else that made him happy? Understanding swept over me and I started to cry which marked night 70 of crying myself to sleep. 


I feel so bad. I havent updated in a long time but I am back. This was a little filler to give you guys something to read. With school coming to an end I should be back up and updating as much as possible. 

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