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In Sickness And In Health

Barry stood over Iris.

He didn't know what to do or what to say. He could barley breath.

He picked her up and ran to STAR labs as fast as he could.

Joe was waiting with Wally, tapping his fingers on the desk when the doors bursted open.

Barry stood in the doorway, holding Iris, crying.

Joe turned around and fell to the ground, while Wally stared at Iris

"What happened?"Julian asked
"He-I killed her"Barry said "My future self kills her"
Cisco ran through the door with HR and looked at the scene
"Oh my god"Cisco exclaimed

Barry layed Iris on the bed and sat in he chair, when he heard the clicking of high-heels.

He turned around and saw Killer Frost and Savitar.

Barry jumped up and ran at his future reflection.

"HOW COULD YOU KILL HER!" He said pushing him up to the wall, while Killer Frost stood back.

"You wanted to save the love of your life, well I want to save the love of yours"Savitar said calmly.
"Wha-What?! What are you talking about?" Barry yelled
Savitar chuckled "Why would I kill my love for myself, it's because her dying is the only way I- you can be happy!"he said in a loud voice.
Barry looked at him and then gasped "No! I don't believe it!" He yelled
Two Years After Barry Comes Back To Team Flash

Caitlin sat in he chair in her prison when she heard the door open.
She turned around expecting it to be Julian but saw Barry instead.
"What do you want"she said, bored.
"I want to talk to you. How could you work with him?! How could you do this?!" He yelled
Caitlin didn't face him, years falling down her cheeks,
"Because I needed to escape! I was evil"She said turning around, tears falling down her cheeks.

Barry went to speak but instead walked towards her and kissed her

Caitlin was shocked bit kissed back, her hair changing the color back to her real hair.

He let go and smiled.

She smiled back
"Caitlin Snow is the love of our life!" Savitar yelled.
Killer Frost looked up as Barry punched his future self in the face.

Tracy looked at the drawer of Caitlin's old desk and she walked over towards her and whispered
"What's in there?!"
"It's nothing"
Caitlin looked at her and held her hand out threating to freeze her.
Ever since Caitlin tried to kill Tarcy, she has been scared and made a gun with ice bullets. The ice would freeze anyone's body through a period of time and once it reaches the heart of the victim it could kill them, make them forget everything, or the could live and in Caitlin's case it could either turn her back to Caitlin or she would be stuck a Killer Frost forever.

Caitlin opened the drawer and pulled out the gun and held it up to her stomach

"Stop!"She yelled, both the boys turning to her
"Caitlin, No!"Barry yelled
She looked at Savitar and said "If I shoot my self, you'll never exist and Iris will come back?!"
Savitar looked at her "Yes"
Caitlin held the gun closer while the others panicked.
Savitar ran to her but it was to late.


A/N Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit tough and boring but more will happen and for all wondering this is a SNOWBARRY fanfic although it will contain a bit of Westallen 💓

          Xoxo Jenna

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