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Till Death Do Us Part

Caitlin laid on the ground. The effect where different. She wasn't bleeding but could feel her body getting colder.

The sight of Savitar made her cry. She had done everything she could to make Barry happy.

The form on future Barry turned to dust and left a pile on the ground.

Barry ran to her
"Cait, what did you do"
Caitlin smiled, tears falling down her face.
"Barry, I'm sorry" she said
"Cait, NO!" He shouted
"At least you'll have her.."She said gently pointing behind Barry.

An alive Iris ran into the room and gasped.
Barry jumped up and hugged her.

How did Caitlin know... Wait, did she know. They were married for christ sake!

She killed herself. She stopped her happy ending so he could have his. She saved the live of his life and lost the love of hers.

Iris looked at him
"It's over, Barry" she said, hugging him.
Could she be anymore selfish.
Barry looked at her
"I know, I love you"he said. Could HE be anymore selfish.

Cisco stood behind them and back away and slid down the wall.
He looked at the unconscious body of Caitlin and looked at Tracy.
"She's not dead"he mumbled but everyone could hear him
"What? But she shot herself" Joe said
"With a gun with ice bullets"Tracy said,
"She can't die. Not yet anyways" she added.

Julian looked at her and backed away.
"I need to go" he said, rushing out.

Barry looked at him leave when two familiar faces came in.

Park, 12:00 AM, 2017

Camille looked at the man in the purple hood.
"I'll get my team ready"she said
"Good work, Crystal"
Camille smirked, Purrrfect, she thought.

Abandoned WareHouse,right after, 2017

She walked into the room in her blue suit

"Girls, it's time" she said

4 girls in matching, yet different colour track sits came in. One in red, Flame, One in purple, Electra, One in Black, Kitti, and one in silver, Transparera.

It was a perfect team And their was absolutely no way they could stop them.

Allen House, 2025

Caitlin was asleep when she heard a sound from the door.
She woke up and grabbed the knife that was on the table and walked towards the door, as it opened she raised it.
The door open and she went for it but the knife was caught.

"Barry!"she said and hugged her fiancé.
"I thought you were a murder!"
"Sorry, I had to work late"

Something was different, Like everyone forgot something, like their lives changed...

A/N I hope you enjoyed this 💞💞 This chapter was not as good as the first one but I wanted to introduce the new big bad of the book. They are a group of female meta humans whoa a you can tell are being led by a man in q purple hoodie.
Who do think came into STAR labs and who do you think the man in the hoodie is. Also comment any theories 💓💓

Xoxo Jenn 💓

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