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A young heir stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, on the 13 of April, is this young heir's birthday. Although it has been 18 years since he has been given life, it will be only be today that the kingdom of Prospit will see their prince for the first time.

The people of Prospit gathered to catch a glimpse at their heir. The king had kept John locked in the castle his entire life. In fact, the only people that have laid eyes on the young boy was the king, a handful of trusted servants and knights, and the queen until she died. John was 3 years old at the time.

The moment arrived. John Egbert made his way to the throne to sit alongside his father. His older sister, Jane sat in the chair beside John. The queen's throne was empty.

The citizens of the kingdom held their breath as the young boy walked up the steps to the throne and kneeled in front of his father. The king placed a shining golden crown atop the young boy's soft black hair. The heir of Prospit. John stood up and looked upon his soon to be subjects, blue eyes sparkling with both excitement and fear. The people cheered. John smiled shyly and quickly made his way to his seat beside his father.

Just before John had could his seat, an arrow flew through air, rushing towards the heir of Prospit. John was tackled to the ground by a near by body guard, the arrow barely skinning his cheek and drawing blood. The golden crown fell off his head and rolled away. Jane screamed in fear for her younger brother. Screams and shouts could be heard from the crowd as a dark figure struggled to escape. He rushed to the exit, bow in hand, but was quickly stopped, however, by the Knights of Prospit. They forced him to his knees. "Take him to the dungeons!", the king yelled. A stunned John was pulled up to his feet and quickly escorted to his room in the castle. Unfortunately, the young boy heard the man's final threats as he was dragged of to the dungeons, "You'll see! The second you take your eye off 'im that scrawny heir will be dead! Jack will make sure of it!"

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this! It's a little short and obviously not good but this is my first book. I will try and update as much as possible. I got this idea from a post I saw on Instagram. Sorry again for the shitty quality! I promise the next chapter will be longer!

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