Chapter 1: The friends

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This book is written by Mimy11, Gomez4 , and me ,Gomez10.


Vanessa's pov.

Hi, i' m Vanessa. I'm 16 and am a royal werewolves.

Im living with my parents and a very over protective brother. I have brown wavy hair that reaches my lower back. I have a heart shaped face with a normal sized nose. I have very big and pretty eyes. My eyes are brown. They are surrounded by thick, long, black, curvy eyelashes. I have small and chapped lips. (No problem my chapsytick can't solve,wink, wink ; D )My bottom lip is thicker than my top lip. I have thick and bushy eyebrows but pulease no worries I know I need a new trim. I' m tall but not as tall as my 2 BFFs Jessica and Monica.

Jessica's pov.

I was walking down th hall of my house when I found what I was looking for. I found the bathroom and checked myself before I headed to Monica's place for the night. Vanessa will be there too cuz we are having girls' night. We were planning to order Chinese food and drinks. Then, we were going to take a walk in the beach, cuz her amazing mom let us. After fantazising about our night ahead, I actually got outside and inside of my car.

To say the least my friend Monica is a badass and very loud, and gorgeous too. My other friend Vanessa is weird, in a good way, funny, and very pretty. I on the other hand quite , shy, and more of a good girl. The thing is what got us close together was how smart we were.


it was our first day of middle school, yet we were already habing a big science project. The teacher told us to pair up in a group of three. Everyone was already going to their partners. Being the shy girl I was, I stood there frozen, to shy to approach to anyone and yet again I was alone.

I looked around and noticed ther were two other girls left.The brunette with brown hair was coming my way skipping, humming, and "nodding her head like yeah." At first I didn't know what to do so I sat their awkardly, looking away from the overly hyper girl.

"What's your name? Want to be my partner? Yeahhhhh? PLEASE? ! Come on." I was barely able to whisper a small "yes."

" Great," she said like an overly happy, childish girl with no problems at all.

" Now we just nee-" she was cut off by the teacher.

" Monica, this is the first and last time I tell you to get into a group!" she yelled irritated. I turned to see a very mean, and intimidating girl texting on her cell phone. I barely managed to hear a small " Whateverrr," come out of her mouth . The teacher manged to hear it too and yelled frustated with her, " Monica, enough with your childish behavior, get in a group with Jessica and Vanessa! " She rolled her at the teacher and I saw an angry Monica coming towards us .

" Perfect. ....we're complete . That means we can be BFFs forever!" said Vanessa.

" about no. Sorry it's nothing personal strictly business." she said with a smirk on her face. But what she didn't know was that from now on we would be friends forever till the last day on.

***end of flashback***


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