Chapter 3: Tardy for School

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Jessica's pov

I woke up to see it was 9:56. I got up from the bed thinking we can still make it to 4th period of school. OH ,MY ,GOSH ,I AM FREAKING OUT . I ran out of the room to Vanessa's .

"Wake up Vanessa,  we need to go to school!"  i said worried that the principal would punish us.

"Five more minutes."  she replied still asleep.

" NO NOW ,WAKE UP!!!"  I yelled freaking out.

"AAAAHHHHH"  she yelled scared at my yelling because she had fallen asleep right after she said she needed five more minutes.

"Ok,"  she said .

I was breathing heavily now.

"Dont have to be so noisy ,sensitive hearing,"  she mumbled.






Vanessa's pov

I got up from one of guest rooms'  bed and started to dress up. " UGH, who invented school and in the morning anyway?" I asked Jessica still tired.

"I don't know.  You'll  find the answer in core. if we ever get there in time." she replied and was going to go to Monica's room when she walked in my guest room frowning.

"Woah woah woah what's all the damn  fuss about?!" she asked angrily while walking in. "You guys hurt my ears!" she exclaimed.

"Jessica's fault ,"  I said blaming her.

"Well we're going to be late for 4th period if you guys don't hurry up!" Jessica yelled. 

"Wait, so you're telling me all this damn fuss and yelling is about school?!"  she asked in disbelief.

" Ummm. .... yeah got a problem with that?"  she asked.

" Yeah I do, but who cares you have a bigger one. Tell me, what's the problem Jess?"

"Ugh, its just that it's going to be the first time in my life that I am tardy or not there for 4 whole classes at school and that we might even get punished. "  Jessica said sadly.

To lighten the mood up ,I said " Well you know what they say , it's good to try new things." 

Monica hit me on the head for what I said.  " Ouch ,what was that for? " I asked rubbing my head .  They were laughing at me.

" For being so.  damn  ,there's not even a  word that describes you."  she replied. Jessica giggled. I think I lightened the mood a little bit too much .

"Changing the subject. Let's see who wins this race. We have to take showers, get ready , and eat. Whoever gets in the car first wins.Ok?"  Monica said smiling.

"Ok."  Jessica and I said excited at the same time.

"On your mark, get set, go!"




Monica's pov

"On your mark, get set, go!"

I ran to my room chuckling and into the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and went into the shower. I let the warm water unstiffen my muscles.



I got out of the shower and put on my clothes. I had a light pink shirt and a shirt with yellow, light pink, purple, fusha, and white stripes. I went to my mirror and put on my make up. I had on eyeliner, mascara, and pink lip gloss. I ran to the closet and pulled out a white ,leather, jacket . I picked out white high heels and rapidly put them on. 

I ran to the kitchen to get food. I got an apple, coffee, and toast. I ran outside confident that I had won, but unfortunately I was the last one.

"About time Beauty Queen. "  Vanessa said. She had butty shorts, and a white with pink striped shirt. Jessica started giggling. Jessica had pink shorts, a black with white shirt, and a black jacket.

"Oh, shut it up you two."  I said pissed off.

I drove the car silently, still pissed.













I got off of my black Ferrari and so did Jessica and Vanessa. We ran into core for the last twenty minutes.  "Phew." we said when we weren't that late for fourth period. I sat down in the last row of the room next to Jessica . Vanessa was on her right. The good news is that the teacher didn't even notice! The last twenty minutes were about The American Revolution. All I heard was 'The American Revolution, blah, blah, blah.'

Greatfully we didn't have any homework.







Jessica's pov

When 4th period ended, it was break. We were thinking of going to the principal or not.

Instead, we just went to all the classes and asked the teachers "Do we have homework, we didn't get to hear?"  hoping they didn't notice we weren't in class. Apparently none of our teachers noticed we were gone or we didn't have any homework,  could this day get any better?!  I was so happy but I noticed Monica and Vanessa looking weirdly at me like i was crazy or something .









Vanessa's pov

Break ended and we went to 5th period, Arthimetics. We had one page of homework and that's it! YAY!

it was already the end of 7th period and we hadn't seen our boyfriends but I spoke to soon...........

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2014 ⏰

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