The Pain of a Heartbreak

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    Pain. That's all I feel is pain. My heart explodes with every memory. With every goddamn tear that leaves my eye. I'll never be the same. After all, how can I when the love of my life dumps me...and gets over me in a heartbeat.

    I was his "everything". That's what he told me. That's what I believed. And then in the end I realize it was all a lie. So why...why in all of creation, would that very person tell me to smile. To be happy when all I wanna do is sit there in sorrow and let my heart bleed.

   People try to make me better. Do I want to be better? I ask myself all the time, would you rather wallow in sorrow and self destruction or pretend everything is okay and move on with a smile so fake, no one believes it?

   Goddamn it, why does it hurt so much? Why me is the only question running through my head. If I deserve this then I am sorry. If I don't, what makes you think you can stomp on my heart and set it up in flames?

   You are despicable. And yet I still love you. Yet my heart yearns for you to hold me, whisper in my ear how much you love me, and promise everything will be alright. Is this how I am supposed to be forever? Sunk in a depression so deep that even the strongest of friendships can pull me out?

   Congratulations. You have broken me. Stolen my heart and crushed it. Are you proud? Do you feel any remorse for what you have done?

   I will always love you. No matter what my memories are, good or bad,  you will always be in my heart. Your name....your name is scratched into my it in bloody cursive. 

   Yes...I will love you forever.

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