Anger towards only myself

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    Go to hell.

      You and her can burn in the fiery pits of it. Wait that's not nice. You're always so nice to everyone, so why should I ever utter a word of insult about you?

      Because to all the people who worship you, they don't know who you really are. I thought I did. Obviously I don't.

    How come I can't cry anymore? Have you taken my tears too? Is my heart no enough. I want so badly to say your name, dedicate this to you and show everyone what a heartless jerk you are. But no, I refuse to cause someone that kind of pain. No one deserves to go through what i'm going through.

    I hope she's worth it. The girl you left me for, I hope all your goddamn memories keep you two together. And I hope you break her heart and she breaks yours in return.

     SHE knew you were taken. And yet I bet she still pursued you. I hate you for leaving me for her. I hate you with every bit of my soul. Unfortunately, I love you with every bit of my heart. I'm afraid of being near you.

   I hope you know that every time you write a new story about her it will make a new cut in my heart. I don't care anymore. I hate myself for caring in the first place and being vulnerable to you.

  I hope that you're happy, Cody. I really do.

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