Chapter 6 - Stone Walls Fall

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Kid's POV

She kissed him. He kissed her. My princess wait she is not MY princess. SHE IS SOULS!!!!

Having more and more angry burn inside me I had no idea where I was going but I didn't care. I kept walking, hanging my head down I couldn't do anything she is a cheater....just a player....

I fell to the ground and wrapped my arms around my legs, burying my head into my knees.
"I'm nothing without her, I really am asymmetrical trash...who doesn't deserver to live..." I began to cry softly, cursing myself for doing so but I couldn't. I couldn't stop crying, she was the one I let into my life and show her the real reason.

I heard a low growl behide me, I quickly got up and quickly turned to come face to face with a kishin.

Your POV

I ran and ran hoping to find Kid and seeing he hasn't killed himself, tears began to escape from the thought of his cold lifeless body on the ground. I shook that thought away, Kid can't die he is a Reaper after all right?

I got so lost in thoughts I ended up getting lost in the forest. Great. I wrapped my arms around myself and began to wonder deeper in.

After a few minutes I gave up and fell to the ground crying, again. I just can't live like this, I am his weapon, it's their duty to protect their meister even if they die. I wiped my tears and got up when I heard a faint low growl. I quickly turned on my heel and sprinted to the sound.

Writers POV

You ran to the growl and found Kid and a kishin, face to face.

"Kid!" Kid and the kishin turned to you.

"Catch NOW!" You threw yourself to Kid transforming. He didn't catch you, you fell and hit the ground. You transformed back to yourself, staring at Kid.

"Why didn't you catch me!" You yell.

"Because I need to leave..." He closed his eyes and walked towards the hungry kishin. The kishin looked a him and licked its lips. You stared in horror.

Some tears fell from Kid's now opened eyes, the kishin raised it's hand and swung it towards him. But Kid didn't feel any pain but you did...

You screamed in pain but quickly changed your arm into a sword and swung it at the kishin. It instantly died and a red soul floated in the air.

"(Y/n)! Why did yo-"

"Because Kid, I love you and I didn't kiss Soul, he kissed me. Why can't you see I love you and will always love y-" You were cut off by you coughing up chucks of blood. Kid quickly lifted up your blood stain shirt and saw a deep cut. It looked like it went right though you. "No. No. (Y/n)...." He began to cry all you did was smile sadly.

Kid quickly picked up and held you tightly in his arms, he summoned his skateboard and flew to DWMA as fast as he could.

"You're going to fine (Y/n), you're going to survive okay...." His tears fell onto your face and you weakly raised a hand and placed it on his soaked cheek.

"I-it's o-ok K-" You coughed up more blood and everything started to get blurring.
"No! It's not! Please stay with me!" He yelled crying harder.

You weakly smiled and your eyes started to get heavy.

"I have to.....p-pl-please remember me ok." Kid landed outside of the school "FATHER!!!!!" He screamed and looked down at you, "N-no. N-no please don't leave me! I love you, I-I need you! You're my key...mine..." He placed his forehead on yours and tears fell on your cheeks.

"I-I love you..." He whispered.

"And you're my symmetrical prince..." You smiled, closing your eyes before going into a forever sleep.

Kid's POV

No. NO! "FATHER!!" I yelled, running into the school holding my lifeless princess in my arms. I ran into the nurses room and saw my father and a nurse talking.

"Father...." I trailed off and looked down at (y/n).

"Please....." I cried harder and the nurse took her from me. Father pulled me in for a hug but I pushed away, I don't want to see anyone. I left the nurse's room and I noticed class was on, it was already 10. I slouched and went to class.

I walked in and everyone stared, angry fired up and I clutched my hands into a fist and faced the class.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT!!!!" Everyone went silent. I waked to my seat and sat down bringing my head to the desk and sighed.

~Time Skip~

I walked out of class and BlackStar and Tsubaki walk up to me

"Hey-" BlackStar was cut short, I ran off. I heard him saying to Tsubaki, "What is his problem?"

What's my problem? What's my problem!!! MY GIRLFRIEND or ex-girlfriend might die!

I ran to the nurse's office and saw (y/n) lying down peacefully on the bed, I quietly walked over and sat on the bed holing her hand. It was warm. She is alive! My face beamed up and I smiled

"Kid-kun?" A voice behide me said, I turned and saw Medusa standing there was a sad look on her face.

"Yes?" I stood up and gave her a confused look.

She sighed and continued "(Y/n) took a nasty wound and it was hard to fix but that wasn't the only thing she hurt..." She looked at her then back to me.


"We found her heart actually broken....and her the side of her head suffered very bad wounds that made something in her mind change..." She looked down and tears welled up in my eyes. Her heart was actually broken I really did break her heart...

"What's wrong with her head!" I stepped forward and Medusa looked up.

"The moment she wakes up, she will not remember who you are, she won't remember anyone or anything." she placed a hand on my shoulder and deeply sighed, "I'm sorry."

"What! NO! S-she sh-she has to remember she just has to!" I collapsed to the ground and cried.

"I will leave you alone." she turned and walked out the door, closing it.

I wiped the tears and got up and sat on the bed. "Please...." I moved a piece of her (hair c) out of her eyes and leaned forward.

"Please..." I kissed her softly and moved away holding her hand tightly when I felt her move. My face didn't change what is the point she won't remember.

She groaned and slowly opened her eyes now to start all over again....

Symmetry is key, but my world can't be symmetrical without you. It is impossible. If symmetry is key then that means you are my key~ Death The Kid (My Symmetrical Prince)

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