two : jacob parish

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dear jacob,

on the first day of school when i saw you, i truly thought that you were the most beautiful boy that i had seen at the time. all i remember about my feelings about you is that i was very direct about it. you were the first guy who i directly told "hey i like you". i've always been advised to never tell a boy that i liked them, and after you, i should've learned my lesson, but it soon became a habit. now whenever i like someone, i end up telling them whether i truly want to or not. the way you broke my heart scarred me in a way that i don't think i'll ever forget, you told me that you liked my best friend, lauren. you ruined my friendship with her, and we grew apart. luckily, me and her connected again recently and we are now best friends again. at the time, i had hated you but now i'm not nearly as angry as i used to be.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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