Chapter 6

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That's Evan, isn't he cute? ;P

I stepped out the doors of the airport, trying to find Emily in the crowd of people and revving of cars. Once I found her, I rolled my suitcase behind me, keeping my steps as light as possible. I was about a feet away from her back when she turned and jumped at me.

I instinctively wrapped my arms around her frame, getting a face full of hair. She moved back and grinned at me, her hands squeezing my cheeks together to make my mouth resemble a fish's. 

"How was the wedding?" She asked, taking the suitcase from next to me, leading us to where she had parked the car.

"Good, I'm gonna email the folder of photos to them tomorrow." I replied, looping my arm around her neck and leaving her to lift my suitcase into the trunk.

"Have you made the folder yet?" She asked, the tone of her voice making me huff.

"No, that's why I'm gonna send it to them tomorrow." I repeated, turning the radio on.


1 week later...

I was at a newly-opened restaurant, taking pictures of the homey and cozy appearance of the inside. It reminded me of a resaurant that my mum and I would frequent in Arkansas, with art hanging on the walls, pleasant yellow casting a warm familiar glow on the seats and tables.

A bar was placed to the side, brown stools pushed in, bottles arranged neatly against the wall. I moved along and took different angles, there were a few people but the owner had told me not to bother them.

I walked outside, the sudden brightness making me wince and cover my eyes. I took another shot of the front, and the cute little chalkboard menu they had placed next to the door. I moced out of the way when a family of three passed, smiling politely not surprised that I didn't get one in return.

"Are you almost done? I need to go home, how long have you been here anyway?" Barry Jones or as he ordered me to call him; sir said, crossing his arms and leaning against the door so I couldn't take my next shot.

"Yeah, almost. I'll be done in the time you clean up." I replied, holding my camera to my chest as I waited for him to enter the building again.

"Sweetie, I'll clean up when I want to. I want you to hurry the hell up." He walked in, and I closed my eyes and breathed in to swallow my annoyance. I took my last photo, entering through the door and informing him I was done.

"Finally, when will I be getting the printed pictures?" He asked, taking a swig from the bottle of alcohol he held tightly in his hand.

"You have to pay extra if you want us to print it, sir." I responded, watching as his face transformed into one of annoyance.

"Why the bloody hell have I got to give you more money?" He demanded, setting his bottle down harshly, the slosh of liquid heard in the silence after his question.

"It's in the rules sir. There's a printer place a few blocks from here, you can just print it from there after I email it to you." I suggested, walking to the door as I received a bad vibe from him.

"I'll talk to your boss, girl!" He exclaimed as I rushed out, opening my car door and sitting at the drivers seat.

I leaned my head on the headrest, breathing out tiredly. I hadn't got much sleep, being flooded with small jobs the whole week since I returned from California. Emily had gotten busy as well, driving to towns close to us and coming back the next day with a messed up sleep schedule which made her cranky and irritable.

I started the car and drove home, honking at a car that swerved and turned without a signal. I stopped at a red light and switched the radio on, stopping at the channel that was playing How to save a life by The Fray.

The soft music calmed me so I wasn't too irked, pulling into my parking space and entering my apartment. I noticed that Emily was curled up on the couch, blanket haphazardly spread on her sleeping form.

I quietly walked to my room, going onto my laptop to face time my mum as promised. While it was connecting, I pulled my shirt off, instead donning a red tank top with polka-dotted pajama shorts. 

"Mia, you look tired! Are you not sleeping?" My mum asked, concern washing over her face as she examined my face through the screen.

"I'm fine mum. Just got a lot of small assignments." I smiled, her worry warming my heart.

"Alright... How was that big wedding you told me about though?" She questioned, moving the camera as she tried to get comfortable on the desk chair she was seated at. My mum never understood how I spent so much time sitting on 'uncomfortable' chairs, preferring her bed over any other seats.

"It was good, they liked the pictures. I really liked their wedding." I gushed, running a hand through my tangled hair.

"You have to take care of your hair, Mia! Honestly, you'll be bald at 30." My mum scolded, shaking her head and looking behind her as the door opened and Max walked in with grocery bags.

"I'm back! Hey, Mia." He leaned down next to my mum, smiling and kissing her cheek before strolling to the kitchen to put the food away.

"Any cute boys, Mia?" My mum joked, smirking when I groaned and covered my face in embarrassment. My mind flashed to the blonde man I'd talked to at the wedding, I think his name was E-something.

"Nope, I'm not looking for anyone mummy." I shook my head, laughing when she rolled her eyes exasperatedly.

"No one looks for someone honey. It just happens." She told me, twisting her ring as she got lost in her thoughts.

I got quiet at that, glancing at the picture of me and my mum. That was only 3 years ago, who knew that our lives would change so much in about half a year. Max and my mum had been married for a year now, and I don't remember my mum ever being more happy than she is now. It made me smile softly as my mum looked back at me.

"Hey Mia, promise me if you find your soulmate you won't push them away, just because of your dad." She requested, watching my face hesitantly. I tried not to wince at the mention of my dad, and bit my lip at my mum.

"I'm not gonna promise you anything mum. I don't even believe in soulmates, so I'm sure I don't even have one." I stated, apology threaded through my firm utterance.

My mum nodded understandingly, smiling guiltily like she believed it was her fault that I thought this.

"Mum, it's not your fault. It never will be." I told her, waiting for the small nod that she repeated.

"Take care of yourself, Mia. I love you, I've gotta go." My mum waved, my heart clenching when I saw the disappointment in her eyes.


Hope you liked it! Just wanted to clear up that Mia's mum was disappointed at herself and not at Mia. I didn't know how else to express her feelings, but I felt it was a bit confusing. What do you think the dad thing is? Vote and Comment! <3

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