23) "Use Your Gifts"

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Entering the Ye Old Drug Store, we found McKenzie and Boone right where they said they would be. McKenzie appeared to be in complete shock to see us safe and sound, staring at us with his mouth hanging open.

"Well, I guess you guys won't be needing this," Bill said, and I was alarmed to notice he was wielding his shotgun. I couldn't tell whether the man was just kidding around or if he was really going to lend his gun to two high schoolers so they could storm an old man's home, but it was a concerning thought nonetheless.

"I don't understand. You were gone almost three hours. How did you survive?" McKenzie asked, his eyes opened wide in disbelief.

Once the door was shut behind us, Greta marched straight up to McKenzie. The fool actually puckered up as if expecting a kiss, but instead all he received was a right hook. It was an unimpressive punch, though it sent my light-footed cousin wheeling backwards. He stumbled back into one of the armchairs looking completely dumb-struck by this turn of events.

"I knew it!" He screeched. "Mr. Dobson put you under one of his voodoo spells!"

Greta marched up to and began prodding him with her finger, which caused McKenzie to instinctively flinch away. "Shut up, you moronic kakapo!" Greta snapped. "If you ever pull another stunt like that, or lie to me again, I'm going to cut off your tongue and force you to eat it? You hear me?"

McKenzie was silent for a moment. "What's a kakapo?" He finally asked.

I thought it was a good question; I certainly didn't know the answer but it did sound insulting. Greta was not amused, however, and looked ready to make do on her threat, when Bill abruptly cocked his shotgun. Greta turned her glare on the chubby shopkeeper.

"Sorry," Bill squeaked quietly, before replacing his firearm under the counter and hurrying away into the backroom of the store.

Greta kept her eyes on the door that Bill disappeared behind, appearing to have forgotten all about McKenzie for the moment. "That has to be the most irresponsible adult I've ever encountered."

"Yeah," McKenzie said, hesitantly rising from his chair. "Isn't he cool?"

Greta returned her glare onto my dumb cousin and he dropped back into his seat, shaking in fear.

"How about we tell them what happened?" I suggested, stepping in-between the two before McKenzie got himself murdered. "I bet Boone wants to know, don't you, Boone?"

Boone slowly nodded his head.

"Don't think I've forgotten about your part in this," Greta warned Boone, who promptly shot me a look as if he was mad I reminded her of his existence.

Thankfully, Greta began to calm down as soon as she started explaining to Boone and McKenzie everything that had happened after they had fled like cowards. While she did mention that Natalie and her father kept Mr. Dobson supplied by doing his shopping for him, I was quick to notice that she left out all mention of Natalie actually showing up at the house.

When she was finished, McKenzie was thoroughly unconvinced. "This just makes him sound like a hundred times more suspicious!" McKenzie exclaimed.

"You're incredible, you know that, right?" Greta said, rolling her eyes.

"How do I know you're not under his spell?"

"You want me to punch you again?"

"Please don't."

I let out a deep sigh. "Why is it so hard for you to believe Mr. Dobson might not be the Dream Stalker?" I asked quietly.

"Fine," McKenzie said crossing his arms. "If it's not Mr. Dobson, then who is it?"

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