Secrets Are For Killers

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Alyx's POV

"What did you do?" Audrey asked me, my file open on he laptop in front of her. She'd convinced Noah to hack into the school's database and look at my permanent record. I didn't know what to say. "It says that you were detained and questioned about the deaths of three of your classmates." Noah said, looking at me. Tears welled up in my eyes. "I- um." I tried. "You killed them..." Audrey said. I shook my head. "N-no. No! No, it- I- I didn't! It was an accident!" I cried. "Then why did you keep this a secret?! Secrets are for killers, Alyx, and that's exactly what you are. A KILLER." Audrey snapped. "NO!" I screamed.

I shot upright in my bed, panting and sweating. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and jerked away. "Hey, it's just me." Audrey said. I looked at her. She'd climbed through my window. "Oh, hey." I replied. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Um. Yeah. I just had a nightmare is all." I told her. She smiled a bit and took her jacket and shoes off before slipping under the covers and pulling me into her as she laid down. "It's okay." She told me. I sighed and cuddled into her. The dream I'd had was replaying in my head, over and over. Audrey's voice echoed. "Secrets are for killers, Alyx." She's right. Secrets are for killers.

I fell asleep in Audrey's arms but woke up alone. I looked around my room and saw her shoes and jacket still where she left them. The bathroom door opened and she stepped out. She noticed that I was awake and smiled. "Hey, babe." She said. I smiled. "Hey." I replied. She climbed onto the bed and crawled over to me. She kissed me and I pulled her closer. We kissed passionately, legs entangled, my hands in her hair, her hands on my hips. I flipped her over onto her back and straddled her waist, pulling my shirt over my head and tossing it to the floor. Audrey sat up and started kissing my neck and chest. My breathing got heavier and I ran my fingers through her short dark hair. 

"Oh, you are so dead." I heard Ryder's voice. I looked over my shoulder and saw him standing in the doorway of my bedroom, which I was sure I had locked. I covered myself as Audrey threw one of my pillows at him. He caught it and tossed it back, hitting me in the back of the head. "Ryder!" I yelled. "JAMES!!! ALYX AND AUDREY ARE HAVING SEX!!!!" Ryder shouted. "Get out! No we're not!" I shouted back at him as I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. I got up and walked over to Ryder, shoving him out of my room and slamming the door. "Fucking dick." I muttered. Audrey hugged me from behind. "Don't worry about him. Your dad isn't even home. He left early this morning." She told me. I rolled my eyes. "Of course he did. I hate Ryder so much." I grumbled. Audrey reached over and locked my door. 

"Hopefully he doesn't come back in here." I said, turning around and looking at Audrey. I kissed her.

The next day was my first day back at school, and I walked through those double doors holding my girlfriend's hand, head held high. We walked down the hall and found the police searching my locker. "What's going on?" Audrey asked. "What are you doing? Hey! What are you doing!?" I shouted at them, releasing Audrey's hand. I tried to approach them but Audrey and Emma stopped me. Sheriff Acosta pulled out a black bag I had never seen before and opened it. He pulled out drawings. And a mask. A Brandon James mask. I heard the collective gasps of the students around us. He pulled another object out. A bloody knife. "What the fuck?" Audrey questioned. She stepped away from me. "Are you kidding?" I heard Brooke ask. "I swear to God that's not mine!!" I cried as the deputy pulled out handcuffs. "They're not mine!!" I yelled as they arrested me and dragged me out of the school.

• • •

"So, Alyxia. Would you mind telling me where you were on the night of my son's death?" Sheriff Acosta asked.  "I was at home, watching movies with my girlfriend." I told him. "I'd just been released from the hospital that day, sir." I added. "Right. Well, it seems you have a history of violence. Fights at school. Fits of rage at home. You smashed someone's car window." He said, reading my file. "Um. That was, um. I- I was going through some really bad problems. I was being bullied. I was in an abusive relationship. I was just in a really bad place. But I took anger management classes and I'm in therapy." I told him.

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