Chapter One: Meet The Boys

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“Alright boys…and Carter. File out!”

I take one look out at the long, dusty driveway leading up to the gigantic house in the middle of this field that they call a “ranch” and decide that I like the passenger seat of the pickup truck she’s driving just fine.

“Excuse me? You can’t possibly believe that I’m going to be walking up there.

“Carter. I don’t believe that you’re going to be walking up there. I know you’re going to walk up there.”

This earned a snicker from the boys sitting piled upon one another back in the bed.

“But, Mrs. McAllister, why can’t you drive up there? I’m sure it’d be so much easier to just drive up instead of making us walk the five miles to your lovely home.”

Maybe turning on the charm would make her change her mind?

“Because I’ve got places to go, and people to see. You, on the other hand, have got about twenty bags to unpack and work clothes to buy.”

There’s a cough from the back seat. “Oh, and boys to get introduced to.”

“Um. Excuse me. I don’t think I heard you correctly. Work?”

“Nope. You heard me right. You didn’t think you’d be staying here free of charge, did you sweetie? You’ll be helping out on the ranch, doing housework and whatnot. We need the extra hand since Alex went to college and decided to move into his own apartment. I don’t think he likes those hooligans back there very much, honestly. ”


“Yeah. My oldest. He’s barely ever back home any more. You can have his grounds-cleaning job. It’s really not that difficult. Plus, that takes some of the work off my hands! I’ve got enough to do as is.”

“But.. It’s not my house.”

“Oh-ho ho! Young lady that will NOT work with me. You live here with us now, it’s your house for the time being.”

I feel the car shaking as the six boys jump out of the bed, each holding some of my luggage. “Yeah. Mom’s rule is if you don’t work like the rest of ‘em, you don’t eat at her table or sleep under her roof,” the black headed one says,

Well, when you put it like that. “Well, I guess there’s not much I can do about that now, is there.” I look down at my navy blue uggs, and pray to the Fashion God that I’m not about to ruin them walking up their dusty, muddy driveway. I reluctantly open the door and head outside.

“Bye kids! Have fun!” Mrs. McAllister yells as she drives the old blue pickup down the road, leaving clouds of dust in her wake.

The boys all start walking away, leaving me here with my bags. “Um, guys. You think you could help me with some of this?” The boys turn around and look at each other, then at me and shrug. There’s a chorus of “Why not’s” before they come back down and each grab a piece.

“Do you think you should introduce yourselves to me, before I entrust you carrying everything I was allowed to bring back here up to that home of yours?”

“If you insist.”  The one on the left says, and they all line up in a manner similar to the Von-Trapp children in the Sound of Music.

“I guess I get the task of introducing my older brother and myself, since he’s never anywhere to be found. “ the same brown headed, brown eyed one says, “Alex is 20. He’s blonde.  He’s lazy, and does nothing. I’m Ryan, I’m a senior.” He says, stepping back and starting his way up the house. The next one, Andrew, steps up. “You know me already, but I’m 17. And I’m a junior.  You’ll have to excuse Ryan. He’s kind of shy. He’s the nerdy one.”

“I am not!”

“Pshh. Whatever. Anyway. I’m the cool one. Captain of pretty much every sports team at Edison. Anything you need, just ask.” He says winking at me. And even if I’m not one of those girls who obsessively stalks guys and drools at the mere appearance of one, I can’t help but admit that all of the brothers are extremely hot.

How wonderful. Maybe my mother is trying to break my vow that I made not to date. Because obviously if she cared anything about my wishes, she would have kept me in LA. Or sent me to live with a bunch of Nuns.

The next two green-eyed, blonde boys step up.  Good Lord, why twins? And why do they have to be blonde. You and Mother are trying to torture me, aren’t you? Throwing me into a household filled with a good number of hot guys, most of which are blonde. It must be some sort of sick joke. I don’t like being joked on, you know.

“I’m Jake. And that’s Jason.  We’re 16. We’re sophomores.” The one on the left says. “And we’re in a band.” The other one adds.

                This grabs my attention. Musically gifted people in Hick Heights? Who would have thought such a thing existed? “Oh really? What do you play?” “Well… he’s on Guitar and I’m on drums. You play anything?”

“Well. I play piano. And I sing… I am an international recording sensation, you know.” Happy that I’ve finally found someone with some level of musical intelligence in this hell-hole.

“Maybe we can do some jammin’ sometime. It’d be fun.  Definitely come check us out though. That’d be great.” Jacob says with a wink as he and his brother start up the driveway.

“I’ll do that.” I say, winking back and finally giving into the temptation to flirt back with the guys. I know what my best friend Karleigh would say. “I’m so disappointed in you, Star. I thought you were better than that! Show some resolve!” Well, not everybody can stick to their guns as well as her.

“I’m Eric. I’m a freshman. I’m in drama club. And we all go to Edison High School, which is where you’ll be going, starting Monday.” The black haired, green eyed boy before me says and walks away.

“I’m Cody.” The miniature Ryan says as he looks at me. “I’m thirteen. And I play baseball. Pitcher. I play for Bevins, obviously,’ cause I’m not a freshman. But I guess we should start going up now.”

I grab my carry-on, flip my chestnut brown hair over my shoulder, put on my multi-colored sunglasses and attempt to avoid all the piles of dirt and mud that are scattered up and down the driveway, stepping on the balls of my feet so I don’t get my shoes dirty as I walk up to the house.

“Oh, and I don’t think it’d be too smart for you to wear those shoes again. Not to work. And you’re dressed up way too nice to be here. Most of the girls here just wear tee-shirts and jeans. It’s not that big of a deal. Basically, don’t wear anything you care about to work, because it will be ruined by the time you’re done.”

Suddenly, I the house comes into view again. It’s actually quite beautiful. Three stories, a tower, a wrap-around porch. It’s gigantic. Not as big as my house back in LA, but still gigantic.

I’m about to ask  where my room is when I hear a hiss and turn around. It’s not a snake, like I’m expecting, but something little and round that begins moving in the grass. Much to my dismay, it’s the sprinklers, and I hear the rest of the boys erupting in fits of laughter as Cody screams “RUN!” and we dash onto the porch, where my precious navy blue uggs have become black and my white tank top has been soaked through, revealing the hot pink bra underneath.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind if you walked around like that more often,” Andrew says with a smirk, “let me show you to your room.”

**** Hey guys! So, basically.. I've never written a story with more than two guys in it before, and I'm trying to experiment with how to write guys well, considering I'm an only child and a girl, I don't really hang out with guys enough to write them well. but ANYWAY. Let me know if they sound girly.. Don't want that now..

AS ALWAYS, if you liked it, vote and comment! i'm sure you can take five seconds to click vote! If you like, reccomend it to your friends! Still in need of an editor. And a banner!!! Picture on the side is of Carter! Adios!!!

The special word is Pies!****

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