Chapter 10 - First clue

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"So what exactly are we hunting?" Kade questioned as they made their way down the street.

The street was fairly abandoned, with only the occasional person every now and then. The moonlight illuminated the footpath, showing them the way. Finley was practically skipping with excitement as she headed down the street. She'd truly missed the hunt and she was overly excited. She could feel the cool metal of the dagger that was slipped into her boot as well as the longer knife that was tucked in her jacket pocket. She was completely focused on the task at hand but her hand itched to hold the knife. "A vampire," she replied turning her head to look at Kade who was trailing a few feet behind her, "His name is Elijah Hawn. He's a few hundred years old, committed a number of murders over the years and he's a loyal follower of Arlin. So he should have some information. We just have to catch him first."

She heard him scoff behind her. "You say it like its going to be easy," he mumbled.

She shrugged turning back around and continuing down the street. "It will be as long as you don't do something stupid. I've taken down lots of vampires before."

As they reached the hotel Finley's excitement peaked. She glanced at the old sign attached to the door before moving her gaze to Kade's face. "Just stick to the plan and we'll be fine."

He seemed nervous but he nodded and without thinking she moved into the hotel. At the main desk there was a young woman with curly blonde hair. Her blue eyes were fixed on her perfectly manicured nails, almost like she was inspecting them for imperfections. Her sticky pink lips moved as she chewed the chocolate bar that was clasped in one of her hands. She was dressed in the hotel uniform with her name tag printed across the front and yet she somehow managed to have half of her boobs sticking out the top. She didn't even glance up as they approached. Finley waited for a few seconds before clearing her throat. "Excuse me?"

The girls eyes lazily looked up at Finley's face before moving to Kade. She didn't even try to hide her surprise when she saw him and instead focused all her attention on him. She smirked at him before leaning on the counter so that her cleavage was more exposed. "Hi welcome to the Innerway Hotel. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Finley rolled her eyes at the girl before opening her mouth to answer. "We're looking for someone. We have reason to believe that he's staying here."

The girl shot her an annoyed glare, eying her distastefully before turning her attention back to Kade. "I'm sorry, guest information in confidential."

Kade moved into action, turning his charm on before Finley got the chance to react. He leant closer to the girl, placing his hand across hers and causing the girl to giggle slightly. He flashed one of his contagious smiles before continuing. Finley watched as his eyes darted to the girls name tag and back up before he spoke. "Listen Sarah, we understand that you can't give out any information but our friend is staying here. We were supposed to meet him and we just need to know what room he's staying in. It would really help us out if you could do this tiny favour for us."

His voice was deep and seductive as he spoke and Finley could tell that the girl was clinging onto evey word that left his lips. She nodded, "Well if he's expecting you I suppose it wouldn't hurt. What's your friends name?"

"Elijah Hawn?" Kade asked. The girls eyes sparkled before she nodded and typed the information into the computer. After a few moments she smiled and looked back up. "Mr Hawn is in the penthouse actually. Just take the elevator up to the top floor and his is the only room up there."

Kade nodded but just as he turned to leave the girl slipped a piece of paper into his hand and mumbled a call me. Finley looked at the girl in disgust before walking over to the elevator. Kade was a second behind her as he placed the paper into his jean pockets. Finley clenched her jaw shut holding back her jealosy. She didn't want to be one of those jealous girlfriends. If that was even what they were. They hadn't officially said that they were dating. She pushed the penthouse button angrily before crossing her arms over her chest and watching the little screen that showed them what floor they were on.

Into the depths of shadowsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن