That Night

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I held him close as the thunder crackled across the dreary sky. His heartbeat was beating strongly against my hand. The rain patterned against the window, lulling him to sleep until the next roaring of the thunder. After the thirty minutes of quiet rain, bright flashes of lightning, and the occasional crack of the near morning sky, the storm was over. He awoke with a heavy sigh, and kissed my hand. In no more than ten minutes of lying quietly on the queen-bed, he weary got up, only to lie back down at my feet. Even though the storm had long passed, he stayed close by my side.

If you couldn't tell ( I didn't give many hints) the "he" in the story is no human: it's my dog (Yes, I know, I am lonely)! It's really early in the morning so sorry for any typos, but I couldn't sleep. Poor Rascal is as scared of thunderstorms as I was when I was little. There are some awesome people that I am going to mention down below, please make sure to check them out!!!

Sorry if I didn't mention you, it's not that you aren't awesome it's just that if I was to type every awesome person I know on wattpad, I would be late for school ( and it's, like, 5:00 in the morning right now)! Thank you so much for checking out this awful book, and if you like it, thank you so much! If not, please tell me on how I can improve and become a better writer.

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