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How? How did this all happen? Where did this all start? Well to answer that I guess I would have to go to where it all began. Where it all started.
Where I made the biggest mistake of my life.
It was a snowy day in December. I was home babysitting my little sister while my parents went out to visit my Grandma.
Yukiko had been playing in the living-room while I watched some shows. I never noticed how quiet Yukiko really was till that day.
I was watching the episode of an anime I liked when my phone went off. On the screen was a text message from Julie my girlfriend.
"Hey Benny! You wanna come over?" It said.
I sighed and responded.
"Sorry but I'm babysitting Yuki today maybe tomorrow"
"Then can I come over?" She asked.
"I can't have people over I would sorry"
I sent the text when I suddenly heard Yukiko scream.
"Sorry gtg! Love you Bio!" I sent a that text and through my phone down on couch racing to find Yuki.
I ran to the front door and saw her sitting there in fear with the door wide open, snow rushing through the doorway inside. I ran over and slammed the door shut, locking it tight before rushing to my knees to Yuki.
"Are you okay? What happened? What did you see?" I said concerned.
Yuki's eyes were filled with tears as I held her.
"I...I saw something out there. It was calling me. Before I knew what I was doing I was at the door and it swung open" Yuki said with tears flowing down her face as she shook in fear.
"Ben I'm scared" she said grasping me tight and bursting into tears. I brought her into a hug and squeeze her tight.
"Don't worry. Whatever it was I won't let it hurt you" I said as she began to slowly calm down.
I lifted her into my arms and carried her into her room. I placed her on the bed, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. Before I could leave she grabbed my hand.
"Be careful Ben. Their dangerous and they will hurt us" she said fear trembling in her eyes.
I smiled calmly.
"Don't worry your safe. Nothing will happen I will protect all of us" I said reassuring her.
"Promise?" She asked holding her pinky out.
"I promise" I said rapping my pinky around hers.
I turned to leave, but while shutting off the lights I heard Yukiko say.
"I love you Ben" I smiled.
"I love you too!" Those were that last words I ever said to her closing the door behind me I heard a giant crash.
I opened her door to see she was gone.

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