Chapter One: The First Snow Fall of December

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It was December first when I lost her, I lost my little sister Yukiko. All day I had been with her yet I let her slip through my grasp, and before I knew what had happened she was gone.

I couldn't believe it. I called the police as soon as I noticed, but there was no trace.

She had been abducted when no one was looking. The investigation lasted for a year when the cops closed the case saying she was gone and there wasn't anything they could do. The only clue they had was her footprints leading from the front door before suddenly disappearing from thin air. A year has passed, but for me nothing has changed. I'm still with my girlfriend, I'm on honours for my grades and I'm on every sports team you can name heck I'm even learning to drive now. Remembering Yukiko she would of wanted me to drive her to the movies every Friday, the reason why is because when I was in grade eight my mom would buy tickets to a movie and send me with my sister with money, this was frequent every Friday after school I miss it sometimes I came home and got ready to go to the movies to realize I wasn't even going. To be honest I miss her. Most people would have thought I'd gotten over it by now, but I haven't. She was my sister after all I loved her and regret the day I left her alone, she was my sister and that will never change no matter what. "BEN!!!!!" I snapped back into reality to see Julie, my girlfriend standing right in front of me with that "are you listening" look.

"Sorry I kinda zoned out."

"I noticed" she snarled at me then stood up straight and put on a smile.

"You were thinking of Yukiko again weren't you" Julie knows me like the back of her hand. To be fair she's consoled me so many times I'm honestly not surprised and I was definitely not surprised that she remembered my sister disappeared today.

"This is my stop, thanks for walking me home Ben I'll see you tomorrow and, if you need anything call me."

"Okay thanks Julie." Our lips came together for a gentle kiss after our lips parted and she ran to her house and went inside. I began to walk home in the cold on the snowy sidewalk when I reached the park, where a single lamppost stood.

There was no playground at this park, just a large open field where children would come to play, I know some of the kids at my school came here to drink and smoke. I could see some of the beer bottles and cigarette butts next to the entrance trash can. I don't know why but I felt like going to that lamppost today, so I began to enter the park, it was empty today. Usually it's full of people but today it was empty, not a single soul for miles.

As I was about to reach the lamppost I saw a small figure standing underneath it looking up like in those really over dramatic movies. They had a blue jacket with fur lining the collar and they wore a hat with a blue pompom. It was a kid?! And for some reason they looked so familiar to me. 

As I got closer my eyes widened as I stood as still as a statue and looked at the figure closer. It was a little girl with blond hair.

Could it be! I began to run toward the girl when I reached her I was out of breath so I leaned over and put my hands on my knees, I was huffing and puffing suddenly a shadow hovered over me

"Ben??" my eyes widened. I shot my head up and saw.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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