Your past

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Hoi its me author! In this chapter you just get to learn your back story and a little about your self.


Y/n pov

For as long as I have known I was always with Ara. She was my mother and teacher ever since I was born. From what shes told me, I was abandoned at birth and was found in a basket on a raging river.

Ara pov

I was walking around in a 'human form' the strange world until I herd something screaming. I quickly turned into my normal form and flew towards the sound.

When I got there I found the source of the sound. It seemed to be coming from a small basket on the river and before I knew it I dived into the waters head first.  I threw the basket out the waters and opened the basket. I small human baby was crying in the basket. It had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen im my whole 6 thousand years. From that day on I took care of the child.

End flashback
Y/n pov

Ara had taken care of me and taught me everything I know today. Ever since i was a small child she has been training me and teaching me magic

She taught me universal dragon slayer magic.

I still remember beautiful shimmering light blue scales in the scorching summer heat teaching me and training me to be the person I am today.

Still Y/n pov

"Mooooommmm! When are we going to go to town and get some food!" I say dramatically.

"I guess we could go now child. I need to stop by a river first. My scales burn" Ara replied with a simple and annoyed tone as she transformed into her human form and grabbed me my the had heading to town.


We came back to town with are food in hand and Aras long light blue hair in the wind.

We sat down in our cave and Ara turned back into her dragon self. I started to make a fire and cook the food we gathered in a rather large pot for the both of us to share.

"Y/n" Ara interrupted my thoughts and I hummed in response.

"Its time you start to understand your magic"

For the rest of the day she explained my magic to me and how to use it properly.

End of flashback

I also remember the day she left.


I woke up in a cold sweat. I started to franticly look around for something unknown untill I realised; not what I was looking for but rather who.

Ara was gone.

I questioned my every thought untill I looked at the ground and saw a letter on the ground addressed to me. It said;

Dear Y/n,
Im sorry for leaving so abruptly without warning. There has been a sort of meeting for all the dragons and im afraid that I wont be able to come back to you. My dear Y/ have became so strong already and im sad I have to let you go but its for the best I promise. Y/n my request from you is to be happy with out me and to join a guild. Do not venture to the evil of the world and believe in your self even when your down. I love you Y/n. I will always be with you at heart. And I wanted to give you this in person but i will have to leave it here for you to have. The power within will guide you through any situation. Farewell my dear child Y/n.

I cried softly and grabbed the letter and clutch it to my heart. After the water works i saw a X on the ground where the letter was conveniently placed on top.

Almost instantly after a saw the X I dug up a small box and opened it. Inside there was a small necklace with black and light blue beads around it.  Dangling from the necklace was a small silver heart colored of the universe and gold rim. I held on to the necklace and continued to cry. I stood wiping my eyes and stood straight.

Ara wouldn't want to see me like this. I have to bee strong. Strong for her.

I wiped away my tears and stayed at the cave for years training and taking jobs from near by towns.

End flashback

I also remember when I met my little fuzz ball of an exceed.

He is the best thing so far that has happened to me ever since Ara left me.

His name is Eros.

I remember meeting him like it was yesterday.

Flashback (again).

I was wandering the forest for what seemed like forever until I herd a low growl. I turned my head around and tried to quickly run back to my cave in hope that what ever that was wasn't following me.

But there was.

As soon as I got to the cave I saw a humongous beast right in front of my eyes. It was a large Lion that was black with red tips on its fur. It walked closer to me and growled. I backed up slowly further and further until my back hit the walls of the cave. The closer it got the more afraid I got until its head was on my stomach. Now it seems as if it was.....purring?? It looked down at me(cus at the time i was like 6 and it was bigger than me) and started talking.

"No need to be afraid of me human! Im Eros, and im currently looking for someone if you could please help me." Eros said in a stern tone yet happy.

"Um I guess... I may not be if much help but ill try!" I reply still shaking in my boots.

"Oh thank you. Im looking for someone by the name of Y/n L/n. I herd she was in this part of the human world." My face turns pale as he yas the last sentence.

"That's me. Im Y/n." I say quietly.

He quickly gets onto one leg and bows. "Princess I am at your service." I was quite confused but I always wanted to be a princess (im 6 ok?!).

"Okk! We need to go find a guild tho. My mommy wants me to go to one strong ok!" Eros smiled at me and helped me pack all my stuff for us to leave. Sadly enough we got lost on the way. We got a reputation of being so young and taking on big jobs. I earned the title 'Child emperor'  (a/n: if you know where that's from I could literally hug u (/*~*)/) or 'Lioness' and Eros got the nickname 'King of the Jungle' or just 'King'. He trained me in had to hand combat and taught me a few more magics.

End of flashback
Y/n pov current day

We finally found it! The so called 'Strongest guild' of all of Fiore! Im so excited and I can tell Eros  is to!

"Princess we are finally here!" Eros said with his voice dripping from happiness.

"Eros what did I say about the princess thing? I told you to call me by my name!" Eros gave me a goofy look then a stern tone.

"Im sorry Y/n im use to calling you princess. You seemed to like it when you were younger."

"Hint: younger." I asked him to stop calling me princess about a year ago when I was 10 and starting to realize, Princesses don't fight monsters, warriors do. Slowly but surely within a year my clothes and ideas about myself became more apparent. 

We were getting closer to the strongest guild. I took a deep breath before I touched the cold handles of the doors.

Im doing this for you. Ara. And I wont let you down.

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