" jonah whats the matter "

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Five months later

"Hey jonah." Amy said as she saw him in school by his locker.

He didn't look like he was having a good morning.

"Jonah are you okay,"

"Yes Amy I am okay. Excuse me I have class to go to." He said coldly.

Amy stood in confusion wondering what was wrong and if she did anything to get him angry. She thought the best thing was to ask Derek especially now that he wasn't ashamed to be seen around her. So she went searching for Derek when she found him she pulled him away from his friends and asked him what was wrong with Jonah. He replied,

"Look Amy you guys have been friends for months now you should know ever since Jonah's mom died his dad has never been the same. Jonah and his father don't ever get along. Sometimes it has weeks that they don't even see each other. So maybe you could do what I do leave him alone he gets moody with everyone when he argues with his dad so just let him figure it out."

Derek walked away and amy stood still as she was shocked to all this news. About Jonah's mom and his dad. Jonah never once mentioned it once to her.

She thought to herself, "I wonder if Jonah never trusted me enough to tell me that."

Thoughts circulated her mind she knew she should help Jonah but how Derek told her to stay away.

She mustered up the courage lunch time and she walked over to Jonah while he was alone and asked,

"jonah are you okay, you know if something is wrong you can talk to me right."

Jonahs face only got angrier for no apparent reason and he blurted out loudly,

" why won't you leave me alone I don't need your help, okay, I just want to be left alone."

Amy's face turned red and her eyes were filled with water. When Jonah looked up at her he saw two small tears trickle down her face and his expression softened and he felt sorry for answering Amy like that she was just concerned.

He stretched a hand to wipe out the tears but Amy walked away before he could do or say anything.

Jonah slammed the door of his locker as he was angry he just made Amy cry.

The last two periods of the day they had the same classes but Amy sat at the far end of the room while Jonah sat on the other side of the room.

Jonah couldn't stop thinking about Amy he stared at her for the whole two periods sadness filled her face.

When the bell rang Amy stormed our of the classroom before Jonah could catch up to her. She walked home and when she reached home she let every emotion out and cried out on the floor.

When her sister saw her she told her the whole story and her sister said,

"Amy I know he hurt you but try thinking from his point of view try being his friend despite what he said maybe that's exactly what he needs right now."

Amy nodded knowing Amanda was right.

When Amanda left to work Amy went to her room and tried to push her feelings aside.

Then she heard a knock at her door it was her little cousin Adriana who they would call Adri for short. She had a big smile on her face that put Amy's worries away for a little.

"Hi Amy, I've missed you," she said in her tiny little voice. "You didn't come to get me so I came to meet you mom said it was okay." She looked at Amy's confused face and said," you forget your supposed to babysit me didn't you."

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