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It was a miracle, how much he  affected her, not only by the shy sideways glance when he thinks she's not looking, or the small quirk of his lips when she blushes after being caught looking herself. Its undeniably realistic, the way he could touch her and warmth would burst from her chest, igniting every fiber of her being with one simple talented hand. It should be Stefan, she knows this, but when he's touching his forehead to hers, stealing her hands to capture them within his own, she can't even remember the man who is the right choice, let alone think about him. He's cold, but fills her with warmth, spreading a numbness that burns for hours through her beating heart. When he's there, making her keep her distance because he's out of control, fangs descended from his mouth, eyes growing red with the blood being pushed forward, black veins trailing their way down his perfect cheekbones, it's like a dream, a dangerous game. The vicious vampire, rampaging on women as his blood lust takes control and gives him the credit. The inhuman man who gets what he wants with a wink and a trade mark smirk. She should run, run to the safer choice, the better man. But she doesn't, because Stefan isn't what she craves, what she longs for. It's not his arms that encircle her and she feels at home, it's not his voice that sends her over the edge. It's not Stefan's hands that sneak up her thighs and lights her body on fire. So when he pushes her away, his inner demon coming out to play, it's that moment where she wants nothing more than to crawl inside him and connect them in a permanent link, so he can't run, or make her let him go when he starts to believe in will hurt her. It's then when she chases him, pulling his quivering body back down to her own, calling him in a desperate attempt to feel him against her forever. Damon is a passionate lover, but always terrified of hurting her, or pushing her over the edge of no return. So when he crawls up her body, lips attached to her heated flesh, trailing his way up her stomach to reach his favorite spot on her neck, she tilts her head, making sure his skin never leaves her own. It's times when he pushes deep inside her and leaves her gasping before he starts to move, and she still can't quite grab ahold of reality, arching her hips into his own as he leads, taking control over her body, making her head spin and dig her fingers into his back, trying to grasp her sanity as he gives everything to her. When he starts to shudder, sweat slipping down bare chest, she holds him to her. Fingers laced in his inky hair, letting him drag out his wave of complete and utter bliss just as she did her own, and dragging her lips across his forehead, kissing every inch of his face she can. It's the little things like this that makes her heart swell in her chest, the aching that causes her to adore him more than she ever thought she could possible. It's times like these where he's quiet, soft and gentle, not the violent monster he pretends to be, but the real Damon, her Damon. He let's her pull him to her, fold him in her arms, and drown him in her love. She knows he loves it, the endless love she supplies for him when he's catching the breath he doesn't need, when he stays atop of her, trying to keep her connected to him as long as he can. He cherishes those moments, when it's feather like kisses against his skin, her hands folded over his shoulders, the soft whispers of 'I love you's' in his ear when he's able to calm his dead heart, and take residence in the spot under her neck where his head rests on her chest as she drags her nails down his back. It's this Damon that she loves the most, even though she adores him any other way. No matter if he's ripping out the heart of anyone who threatened her or called his bluff, or if he's holding her to his chest, cradling her body to his so his shirt soaks her tears and his shoulders are her anchor. Either way, he's hers, vampire or not. Monster or not. The man who hides his inner demons so his brokenness can be outshined by his love for the one girl who accepted him and loved him back. The man who has suffered so much, and lived so little. Who loved to deeply and fell to hard. Who spent over a century loving a woman who preferred his brother and used him for her own pleasure. But right here, in the arms of a woman who met his brother but somehow decided to love him instead of the better man, was a place he would always feel at home. A stolen moment from heaven above. A quick glance of infinity and a small taste of forever. It didn't matter how long he had loved Katherine, what mattered was how he felt for the one girl who loved him for the way he was. And it was his small chance of fate, his little infinity, and love for one girl who would hold his dead heart for eternity. So when she nudges his shoulder, placing a haste kiss to his jaw with a moan of want, only then does he smile, a real honest to God smile, and he shifts his weight to roll over her quivering body. He knows that this is forever when he takes her hand in his own and pulls it over her head, dipping his own to kiss her l lips before joining them together as one. When she sighs and starts to whisper those words over and over again into his neck does he realize that this is what he has wanted all along. And it's a good thing they have forever.

Hey guys, I really hope you like my first story on here, this is indeed a one shot that I don't believe I will be adding more to. But, I definitely have more where that came from, so if you would please review and drop a good comment for me! And also, don't be afraid to follow me on instagram as breathingdelena

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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