Part 5

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I don't remember how. I don't remember putting him down on the ground, taking his sword, and piercing his heart. I don't remember Umberlios scream in fury and attack me. I know these things happened. They had to happen. I only remember a sudden feeling of calm and peace as Ryan smiled again, closed his eyes, and took his last breath. I remember feeling warm and tingly inside as all of Ryan's extraordinary powers filled me. I don't remember growing the wings, but I remember feeling them rest against my back for the first time, perfectly whole. I took his crown and rested it upon my head, and the universe was mine.

I could tell you about my battle with Umberlios. It was exciting and loud and very destructive. I gained control of the shadows afterward. I could tell you about my journey back, my teleportation to Ryan's home dimension, Heliosauna. I could tell you how the people stared at me and then bowed deeply, acknowledging my rule. They were grieved because of the loss of their king, but they rejoiced as the shadows of Umberlios' rule dispersed, leaving the land bright and colorful. I told them about what had happened, and they welcomed me. I could tell you about the magnificent castle and the gardens from paradise. I won't, because I'm not here to boast or brag.

I am here so that one day, one of you will find yourself standing in front of my castle, holding that beautiful, glimmering black sword and wearing that silvery crown, and you will remember King Rycréan Neo Cossolus of Heliosauna. You will feel his proud gaze as you walk down the steps to the crowd of your subjects, your people, and you will feel his presence beside you as you are officially and rejoicefully crowned King. I am here to remind us all of his legacy, his bravery, and his devotion. Do not forget. Live the way he lived; fearlessly, courageously, devotedly, and happily. Don't be afraid to stand up for your friends, your people. Rule after his manner. Love your subjects and they will love you. My king will always be with me, as he promised, and I promise you that he will be with you when the kingdom is handed over to you. I don't know who you are, nor when your time will come, but I ask only one thing of you.

Please don't forget my friend.

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