Part 1 ( Just For Now C: )

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One Night Tom Got Drunk For Some Reason With Tord Around. "*Hic* T-Tord w-wan-" "Tom, Are u Drunk Again?" "N-No" Tom Threw His Beer Bottle Across The Room. "-_-  Tom I Now Know u Are Drunk *Sigh*" "I *Hic* AM N-NOT DRUNK!!"  "Tom u Ar-" "Guys!!! TORD, To- Oh Great Tom is Drunk Again....." "I-I AM NOT DR-*Hic*UNK!!" "*Sigh*" "Edd He Will be fine, with me~" "Uhhhh, ok see ya!"
"Bye Edd!" "B-Byeeeeees *Hic* Edd...." Then, Tord Grabbed Tom and Put Him on the bed with a rope... "T-TORD WHAT ARE U DOI-*Hic* NG?!" "Nothing Tom~ *Kisses Tom*" " O-O I H8 U GET OFF!!" "no Tom I won't! *Lays On Top Of  Toms ( C: )*" "TF TORD!!! *Tries to move but Can't lol*" "*Knock Knock* Tord? U there?" "Y-yes Edd!" "I uhh heard Screaming u ok?" "Yea! Heh, it was probably the Neighbors!" "Oh ok!! :D"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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