Chapter Seven

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"I don't think I've ever had a Quidditch practice that rough," Nora said.

"And you're playing Keeper," Eli said. "Coach Barton had us Chasers flying up and down the pitch like nothing else. Endurance, she says. More like kill your players, I say."

Lily would have to agree. As the days neared September 1st, tryouts became more and more intense, and with two weeks left until the rest of Hogwarts returned, Lily could only wonder what else the coach would throw at them. Truth be told, as much as she liked Coach Barton, she was kind of scared of the woman.

"At least we've got the weekend off," Lily said with a sigh. "We can sleep in a little bit finally. Don't wake me until Monday morning."

"Is thee Lily Potter tired of Quidditch?" Cassie asked.

Lily laughed, "No, thee Lily Potter is just tired. Lily Potter's not a fan of very late nights, followed by very early mornings."

"What do you three think of having another late night?" Eli asked.

The three girls stopped in the Great Hall, looking at each other before looking to the only boy in their group.

"What are you talking about, Eli?" Lily asked him.

"Well, I did spend the summer here at Hogwarts, and I did make it my mission to explore every inch of this castle," Eli said. "I may want to share my best finding with you three, but if you want to turn in early, I suppose we should—"

"No, I want to see," Cassie said, interrupting him. "What? I'm not waiting until tomorrow morning to find out more about this castle. Let's do this now."

Lily looked down at her sweaty clothing and wondered how gross and windswept her hair looked, "Are you sure it can't wait until tomorrow? We all look pretty gross after that practice. And I'm kind of exhausted."

"Lily, come on, let's go," Cassie said, jumping up and down. "Where's your sense of adventure?"


"Tomorrow?" Nora asked.

"Yeah, as in that my sense of adventure is located in tomorrow after I shower and sleep in on our wonderful day off," Lily said.

"Come on, Lily," Cassie said, grabbing her hand.

"Lead the way, McGonagall," Nora said.

Lily groaned.

"Let's go, Lily the Lion," Eli said, putting his hands on her shoulders and turning her toward the next hallway.

"Lily the Lion?" Lily asked as the group began walking.

"That's some fine alliteration there," Cassie said. The group turned to their half-blood friend, stopping in the hall. "Have you guys never taken an English class? I know I wasn't good in Muggle school, but even I know what alliteration is."

"I don't think any wizard knows anything about this so-called alliteration," Lily said as the group continued their walk with Eli steering Lily toward the mystery location.

"Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words," Cassie said. "Simple as that—Lily the Lion."

"That will not be my nickname," Lily said.

"I think it will be," Eli said.

"It fits you," Cassie said. "It's the hair, you know. A mane, practically."

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