Perceptor x Ex-decepticon reader

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( k, in this story you are were a scientist for negation so role with it...btw I haven't finished the comics yet so if anything is off I'm sorry.)

Your POV
How could this happen? How could I get captured and sent to an auto it's lab?
You laid in the corner of the room cuffed to a chain in the wall, contemplating your actions before.
One minute you were in YOUR lab and the next, you were in HIS lab.
"I hope they didn't steal any of my weapons..." you thought to yourself.
You looked around quickly spotting your viles of poison. You found that it makes the victims delirious and the best part was that you could brainwash them into doing what ever you want them to.
It wasn't too far away. You could maybe  reach it from this distance. But you have to be quite.
You thought about what you were going to do, it was easier to think on the nice silence. The deception base is always loud.
Through the silence you heard stomping. You had to think or act fast though judging from the distance of the peds, it was best to stay put.
The large metal door suddenly opened. You stared for a couple of minutes not saying a word until another bot appeared from behind the slab of metal.
"For the last time Whirl, I have work to do!" It said as he came into view.
He's that red autobot, the one who had the white gun. He had quite the reputation for his scientific findings. Granted he was the enemie, he was one to look up to.
He went over to the desk near your weapon. You prayed that he wouldn't move the viles, he instead turned to you.
"Hello," he said in a slight British accent while walking towards you. "I suppose your wondering what we need you here for."
He backed away from you to a near by computer. To be honest you weren't really thinking about the motive. But now thinking about it, you would like to know.
"Uh, yeah...that would be nice to know..." You said in an annoyed voice. When will he leave?!
Yes, he was an...attractive ( very attractive) bot but you really needed to get back to base!
"Well I'll keep this brief, we captured you for information-"
You interrupted him
"Information on the deception base?"
He looked at you. You smirked at him.
"That ain't happening bot." You said leaning your back against the wall and crossing you legs.
This wasn't the first time you've been captured by an autobot, they never really turned to violence and giving things up wasn't at all easy with you.
Instead of intervening he turned back to his computer and started typing things in the cybertronian language.

Time Skip

After hours of him typing and asking you things about the deceptions (you gladly gave information about star scream😆), you continued to concentrate  on your plan.
All he had to do was stay put.
During the time you were in this corner you managed to sneak a tiny piece of pipe and very quietly work on the chain lock. It took you a bit but you managed to stay quite and unnoticeably unlock yourself from the wall.
After that you put your free time into answering questions and planing your escape. You still couldn't believe there was no rescuers yet. Where are they?

*Meanwhile at Decepticon base*
"Bless you Jerry!"

Back to now
Perceptor went out of the room, now was the time. You immediately jumped up and headed for your viles. Although your hands were still cuffed together you could still grab and move your hands around just fine. You quickly looked for a needle to put the poison in.  You found the needles near a shelf and quickly injected the viles contents into the syringe and headed back to the corner behind the door ready to attack.
The door didn't open for 10 minutes, but you kept waiting for the moment when it would.
Finally you heard distant peds moving toward the door. Any second now...
Perceptor had opened the door and not suspecting a thing until he was tackled by your body. He fell with a thud and you quickly tried to locate an open area not protected by armor to hit. Before he had put his hands up to protect himself you found a spot on his neck and stab him with the syringe.
You covered his mouth.
Soon the effects would kick in and he would do what ever you asked. All he really had to do was open a ground bridge and delete any questions you had answered and typed down. You didn't feel like killing him. And soon he stopped kicking, he looked dazed. This was a common way to tell that he was fully drugged.
You got off him and pulled him up. The poison certainly did its magic, he nearly toppled you from lack of  consciousness to what's going on.
"Get off me!" You screamed at him blushing a lot. He was putting his full weight on you by now and to your surprise he was lighter then you thought.
"I didn't plan on killing you, so you better get off me before I change my mind!" You said warning him again.
Surprisingly he had gotten off standing looking into space. His eyes still held the gray color. The poison was fully working now!
You felt a little bad for him but you had to get back to base, this isn't a Romeo and Juliet story (yes I read human poetry).
"J-just tell me where I can find the ground bridge controls..." You said looking away but still blushing.
He did his duty like a zombie, slowly but surly showing you the controls. He sparklessly watched as you walked over and typed in the coordinates to your base.
Why you turned around he was leaning forward about to fall. You walked to him and held him up. You stared at his eyes instantly missing his blue eyes, you hadn't ever felt sympathy for someone you had poisoned before, why was he different?
You hadn't noticed but it seemed like perceptor had a little worried smirk on his face . When you did notice you smirked back. You could tell what his mind was pondering on.
Although he was gone his minds natural actions were not. That explains why the victims would do what they were told. They didn't have something to intervene with the thought.
"Alright...." You said leaning toward his face plate.
Given this new information his brain told him he could dive right it.
He smashed his lips into yours making you squeal into the kiss. Closing your eyes you melted into the bots kiss.
You two separated and looked at one another, you turned your attention to the wound on his neck. You bent down and kissed the wound like a mother would to a child.
"I guess I'll see you again someday..."you said knowing what would happen after the poison would wear off. You wondered if he would like you the same way after wards or if he'd even remember.
You pushed those thoughts aside and reached the the lever to activate the bridge. You pulled it down and the swirling mass of green and blue came to life. You noticed that perceptor was begining to awake from the poisoning and become aware.
Once he came you both looked at each other. You gave him an emotionless glance and turned into the bridge disappearing. You knew he wouldn't get the location. You had set a timer to were all of the updates on his computer would be erased in 10 seconds.
You also thought about what had happened and why. He probably wouldn't have had the guts to kiss you like he did just now.
You smiled as you made it into the quite base. Maybe this could be like a Romeo and Juliet story....💕

Extended ending!!

As perceptor managed to come back into his natural surroundings, he began to remember the things that went down  with him and the prisoner.
He's definitely not as stupid as some of the people on this ship, and is definitely smarter than the average know-it-all. So it wasn't like him to forget.
As his memory came flying back he fell to his knees, touched his lips and moved himself under his desk. Under these he began to blush like no other. And that's were he stayed most of the day. 😆

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