High School, Friends, & Love (The story of a not-so typical teen) 2

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There were so many things happening today. So when I got home I had to call my cousin Desti. She lives in Puerto Rico (my mom's side of the family is Puerto Rican). She is my favorite cousin and I tell her everything. She wasn't answering her phone so I decided to IM her instead.

AIM Conversation (Myracle && Desti)

My_My_SoPretty: HEY De_De

DestiGurlxoxo: Wassuhp

My_My_SoPretty: U would not believe da day dhat I've been throoooo

DestiGurlxoxo: Tell me all about it

I told her everything and then went to sleep.

The next day in school (Art, my favorite class) we were assigned partners for an upcoming project. I got paired up with Robbie. He is super flirtatious. He has a mega crush on me and I know it. Robbie has asked me out multiple time before but he used to date Jayy and that's against the girl code.

Robbie: HEY cutie <3

(I start to blush)

Myracle: Hey Robbie.

I've liked Robbie for a while now even though I've tried not to. I've gone on "friendly" dates with him. But nothing to lovey-dovey <3

Robbie: Myracle...

Myracle: Yea

Robbie: Wanna go out tonight?

Oh man... this is my chance. If I say No then he might not ever ask again but if I say Yes then my BFF won't ever speak to me again. What do I do?

Myracle: YES !

OMG! What did I just do? Jayy is gonna freak when she finds out... or is she? She cant freak out about something that she doesn't know about. If I date Robbie with out her knowing then we'll both be happy : )

That night I went to Sarah's Smoothie Palace with Robbie. The night was going great and then...

"You B*tch"

The voice was so familiar. I turned around and it was Jayy.

Jayy: I can't believe you

Myracle: Jayy it's not what it looks like

It was exactly what it looked like. : (

Jayy: Why in hell would you go on a date with my ex-boyfriend?

Myracle: You said you were over him.

Jayy: Every girl says that, whether they're over it or not.

Myracle: Well... (Gets interrupted)

Jayy: Save it for your best friend because it definitely isn't me. (Walks away)

Ever since that night Jayy has been ignoring me and hanging out with Rebekka a lot.

I've been on a couple more dates with Robbie and he's even asked me to be his girlfriend so I guess we're official now 5|4 <3.

I've grown to like Rebekka a little bit more and not just because she's been hanging out with Jayy. Rebekka and I recently started talking to each other. I didn't really realize how hard her life was. I found out that she is in foster care because her father was really abusive and her mom was a drug addict. I was surprised. That definitely taught me not to judge a book by its cover(or in this case "its reputation").

Rebekka: Psst_Hey

Myracle: Yea

Rebekka: I have something important to tell you

Myracle: I'm all ears

Rebekka: Well...

Myracle: Uh-Huh

Rebekka: You know how Maxx is my boyfriend and your best friend

Myracle: Ex-best friend actually, but continue ...

Rebekka: I have something really important to tell him but I don't know how to bring it up so I want you to tell him for me

Myracle: Okay... and what do you want me to tell him

Rebekka: I don't know how to say this...

Myracle: Just say it...

Rebekka: I'M PREGNANT!!!

Myracle: What!? But you're only 14-years-old

Rebekka: I know but there is something else...

Myracle: What?

Rebekka: It might not be his baby

Myracle: OMG! If it's not Maxx's baby then who's is it?

Rebekka: I think it might be Jacob's

Myracle: WTF!

OMFG! I guess this kind of thing happens normally when you're the school slut.

(Rebekka started to cry)

Myracle: What's wrong?

Rebekka: I'm scared

Myracle: About what?

Rebekka: I'm scared that Maxx will break up with me.

Myracle: I know Maxx... I know that he wouldn't break up with you because you're pregnant

Rebekka: NO! Not because I'm pregnant... because I cheated

Myracle: Oh

Rebekka: I mean... I already have a reputation as a whore. What are people gonna say now that I'm pregnant and not even for my own boyfriend

(She cries some more)

Her drama was way to much for me to handle.

__________Will right soon guys________ Comment && vote plz___________ ^_^ (Teh Heh)



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