9. I Believe In You

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To be strong is my choice.
Strong isn't being free of fear,
quite the opposite.
Strong is seeing all the issues
and problems with no 

self deception, no soft filters.
It is feeling the anxiety in full measure,
acknowledging the fear,
and still making the right choices.
It is owning your own errors 

and using them to make
yourself a better person.
It means going forwards
doing your very best for others,
considering the self at a lower priority. 

Yet at times it takes true strength
to look after oneself too;
if to carry on would leave
a you unable to care for those
you hold most dear, 

a change to care for the self
is brave and right.
We are all born to survive,
to protect those we love,
to be the angels 

of our better natures.
All of this is strength.
Know it.
Be strong too.
I believe in you.  

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