The Vet

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The next day Shadow woke up with the pup on his chest fur purring and waging it's tail. Shadow smiled. He gently removed the pup had in to his arms like you would hold a baby and cuddle it softly. Then the pup started to whine and whimper. Shadow didn't know what to do so he gently shook the pup awake and be for the pup woke up tears filled it's eyes. "Hey little one wake up please." Shadow said softly then the Sonic slowly woke up and buried his face in Shadows chest fur. Shadow was surprised about what Sonic was doing.  Sonic looked at him with tears still in his eyes. "Hey you okay little one?" Shadow asked Sonic. The little one shook his head and his ears twitched.

Shadows POV
I heard the banging of the door when I woke up the pup. I held onto the pup and walked to the door to hear a familiar voice at the door. "Ohh Shadow it's me Rouge! Are you there or even awake!" Shadow opened the door. "Really Rouge?" "Hey I needed to know" she smiled and looked at Sonic "oh my god he's so cute!" Sonic stays close to Shadow. Shadow smiles "shh shh it's okay.." Sonic purred and looks at Rouge. "He's scared so be careful with him." Rouge nods and slowly pets Sonics little head and makes him purr "aww poor thing was by himself good thing you saved him Shadow." He nods and walks to the car with her and Sonic and they drove off.

The Vet~

Shadows​ POV
Well me and Rouge made it to the vet I just hope the little one is okay. I held onto Sonic and I didn't​ want to let go for some reason. Once we got in the building me and Rouge talked to the people. Rouge rang the bell on the counter "hello?" She called. In one or two minutes a girl fox came, she had long hair, blue highlights in her hair, wore a pinkish red shirt and black-blue jeans, but yet she was really nice "hello how may I help you!" She said smiling. I looked at her "um I'm here to do a check up for my pet name, Sonic." She looks at him "Aww he's so cute okay follow me!" She opened the door for us to go in and we went into a crazy place with lots of dogs cats and other animals here. "I'll check him and you'll be on your way it will only take two minutes." I nodded and looked at the pup and he looked at me. "Okay your going to be with her and she will take care of you I'll be waiting, okay?" He nodded in understanding. "Good" I gave him to the fox girl "don't worry he's safe with me." She smiled and walked off as I waited for him.

— two minutes later —

Rouge was playing on her phone the whole time and Shadow was getting worried about Sonic and he just met the little pup. Then Shadow hears yipping of the little one he knows. "Sonic?" Shadow looks around to see a little pup right in front of him wagging his tail yipping happily. "Sonic!" Shadow kneels opening his arms that made Sonic jump in for a big hug.

Shadows POV
He's okay! I'm so happy that he's back to me! I hugged the little one tight but not too much to not damage the little one. I looked up to see the Vet Nurse right there awing at what I was doing. I stood up and looked at her with Sonic in my right arm. "Is he healthy?" I said to the Nurse. She nodded. "Yes sir he is clean and very much healthy now but he wasn't at first so it's a good thing you got him before anything happened to the little guy!" Joy was in my heart right now. I was happy that he made it but one question was in the back of my head. 'what type of animal or species is Sonic?'. I looked at the Nurse. "Ma'am what animal species is Sonic?" I asked her which I got a 'I don't know' look in her face. "I'm sorry sir but I don't know." She said softly to me. I nodded in understanding. "Thank you for all you did to help Sonic ma'am." I said as softly I could. She nods and smiled. "Your quite welcome sir come again when you need help with him though." Me and Rouge nodded and walked to the car with Sonic in my arms still. "Wanna go home Shadow?" Rouge asked me. I thought about it. "Yes it's been a heck of a day for Sonic I think its good that he rests." I said smiling at her. Rouge nodded and drove up home.

Shadows Home~

Normal POV
Once the two got to Shadows home Rouge stopped the car to let Shadow out. "I'll see you at work tomorrow?" She said smiling. Shadow got out, with the pup sleeping on his chest, and nodded. "Yeah I'll see you then." He said walking to his door while Rouge drove away. Shadow opened the door and walks in carefully holding Sonic to not wake him up. Shadow walks to the couch and put Sonic on the softest pillow he had and when to the kitchen to get something to drink. After a while the Ebony hedgehog came back and looks at the little dark blue pup asleep peacefully. "Goodnight my little pup" Shadow said sleeping next to Sonic smiling in his sleep.

Thank you for reading I'll continue and publish soon BYE!!!

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