Chapter 3

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I woke up to the obnoxious sound of an alarm clock going off in my ear. I peered over at the clock and read the time. It was a little after seven in the morning.

Seven in the morning and Olivia wants me awake. She does know that the run she put me on last night started at midnight, right?

I reached over and slammed my hand onto the clock, hoping that I hit the off button and not the snooze button.

With that quick movement I realized that the overall pain I had felt last night had lessened to a small stiffness in my muscles. I don't think that my day will be too terribly bad today, not as long as I don't push myself to hard during training.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before I swung my feet over the side of the bed and walked out of the room.

Once in the hall with the overwhelming scent of bacon and waffles. Aaron must have been up before Olivia and made breakfast. I knew better than to assume that Olivia made breakfast for everyone.

I made my way into the kitchen and sat down at the small island that sat in the middle of the room. Aaron stood in front of the stove, his back to me, but I knew that he knew that I was here. I guess when you live with two hunters you pick up on a few tricks of the trade, like sensing someone's presence.

"You're finally up." He said, not turning around.

"It's kind of hard to sleep through my new alarm clock." I said, running my hand through my hair.

He just let out a low chuckle.

I looked around but didn't see Olivia.

"Via not up yet?" I asked, fighting back a yawn.

Aaron let out another low chuckle, "Surprisingly no."

That's not like her. She's usually up with the sun.

I heard a shuffling noise enter into the kitchen. Aaron and I looked over to see Olivia standing inside the entryway of the kitchen. Her dark hair was a mess of tangles; she didn't have a good night's sleep.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Aaron said, placing a coffee mug on the island and filling it with coffee for her.

I looked down at the space in front of me, a space void of caffeine. Where was my coffee?

"Thank you, Aaron." Olivia said, walking into the kitchen and picking up the coffee mug. She took a sip and made a face. She set it down and walked over to the fridge, opening it and pulling out some cream. She walked back to the island and poured some into her mug, smiling a satisfied smile as the black of the coffee turned to a creamy color.

"Sorry." Aaron said, his attention back on the food he was making, " I didn't know how you liked your coffee."

"That's okay." I said, getting up from my seat and grabbing my own coffee mug from the cupboard, " I don't even know how she likes her coffee. And I'm her best friend." I poured some coffee into my mug and add some sugar. Grabbing a spoon, I made my way back to my chair.

"That helps." Aaron said, chuckling again. He turned off the stove and pulled some plates out of the cupboard, placing them in front of us. He brought the waffles over to the island as well as the bacon.

"This all looks amazing." Olivia said, sitting down in a chair next to me, "Thanks, Aaron."

"Ehh it's nothing really." Aaron said, modestly, "Just my little contribution to the group. You know, to keep your guys' strength up."

"Well you've done well." I said, being the first to dig into the food in front of us. I grabbed a few waffles and drizzled syrup on top, then I snagged a few pieces of bacon.

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