Chapter 19

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Sanha's POV

I woke up to the sound of crying, people talking and a bright light. As I opened my eyes, I felt a weight on me. I looked to see Eunwoo.

"W-What's going on?" I asked, my throat felt dry as I spoke.

"Don't ever fucking do that again Sanha. Do you know how fucking scared I was!? You could've died." Eunwoo yelled. I winced from the yelling, he noticed. "Sorry but I'm serious never try that again."

"I didn't mean for it to happen." I mumbled looking down. "I wasn't trying to cut that deep."

"Never try cutting again Sanha, you are literally my little brother, I can't lose you." Eunwoo said. I smiled.

"Can I have some water?" I asked.

"I'll go ask the nurse." He said walking out of the room. I looked over to see Moonbin, Rocky, MJ and JinJin sitting down on the chairs next to my bed. Once Rocky looked at me, I looked away. I looked at my bandaged arms and sighed.

"MJ, c-can I talk to you?" I asked looking at MJ, he nodded and stood and walked over to me. "Alone."

Moonbin and JinJin had to almost carry Rocky out of the room since he was refusing to leave.

"What is it maknae?" MJ asked looking at me.

"I-Is it bad I lied to Eunwoo?" I asked.

"What do you mean? What'd you lie about?" He asked.

"Part of me wanted to cut deep but the other part didn't." I said looking down. "I was hurt and wasn't thinking but then I realized if I did die, I'd be away from being hurt by being Rocky's rebound. But if I did die, I'd be leaving you guys and the fans. Is it normal to that I feel guilty?"

"Sanha, in all honestly I think all of us would have done something like you did if we were in your spot. We are just happy that you are alive and okay, it is normal to feel guilty but try not to. We understand all of this." He said before hugging me.

"I'm back and I have water." Eunwoo said walking into the room. "But we have to leave for a little bit so the doctors can do some tests on you to see if they are going to keep you here for another night or if they will let you go home."

I nodded as him and MJ left the room. I took a drink of the water as a doctor walked in.

(This is what happened when the rest of Astro found Sanha)

Eunwoo's POV

"Sanha what the hell are you doing?" I yelled. Sanha locked himself in the bathroom a few minutes ago. "MOONBIN."

"What happened!?" Moonbin exclaimed as he came up the stairs.

"Kick the door open. I think he's doing something bad it's." I said. Moonbin didn't let me finish as he broke the door down.

"Oh my god." Moonbin said.

"SANHA." I screamed as I ran over to him. I felt tears start to fall as I saw Sanha laying on the ground with a bloody wrist.

"What happened!?" JinJin yelled as him, MJ and Rocky ran upstairs. JinJin and MJ's eyes widened as they saw Sanha.

"Move out of my way." Rocky said trying to push MJ and JinJin out of the way.

"Rocky no." MJ said but it was too late Rocky had seen Sanha. Rocky ran over and grabbed Sanha from my arms and sobbed as he held Sanha.

"This is all my fault." Rocky sobbed.

"Rocky." MJ said.

"DON'T TELL ME THIS ISN'T MY FAULT. I CAUSED THIS." Rocky screamed. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Sanha's wrist and applied pressure as Moonbin called an ambulance.

A/N: So here is a new chapter. I honestly don't think it's the best at the moment but I hope you guys still find a way to enjoy it and enjoy this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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