Long Way Back From Hell

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I wake up in a strange room, a room that is not mine. I lean up on my elbows and look around and then rub my neck. I let out a soft groan when a voice comes from the side of the room. I turn my head swiftly to see a dark figure standing against the bathroom doorframe.

"Who are you?" I ask and they let out a small chuckle and then step into the light. 

"I'm hurt that you have to ask." My eyes go wide and my jaw drops, as Lucien slowly makes his way over to me.

"Lucien." I say in just over a whisper and he kneels down between my legs and takes my face in his hands. 

"Natalya." He repeats in the same tone and I smile softly and I lean into his touch. I open my eyes and dart them around the room.

"Where are we?" I ask and Lucien lets out a low chuckle and gets up from the floor and walks over to the window and pulls open the curtain. I get up off the bed and walk over to the window and see the London Eye far off in the distance. "We're in London." I say and he wraps his arms around my waist and and tucks his face into my neck and starts leaving soft, feather kisses. 

My eyes flutter close at the feeling and then I snap then open and spin around so I am facing Lucien, while still in his arms. "Where's Nik?" I ask and he pulls me tighter.

"You left him in the 70's when he slaughtered that town in Kansas, remember." He tells me and then as if he said some magic word, because a memory flashes in my head.

"Niklaus, if you kill one more person I'm leaving you." I yell through the tears causing all the other Mikaelsons' turn and look at me in shock. Nik drops the man he was holding and runs over to me. 

"No you are not!" he shouts in my face. I square my shoulders and hold my ground. 

"Try me." I say lowly and he moves away from me and breaks the neck of some little old lady. He drops her to the ground and stares at me. I dash away from them all.

I snap my eyes to his and take his face in my hands. "He killed entire town, 2,000 people, Lucien. all of them dead at Nik's hand. I know I do not have much room to talk, but I have never killed 2,000 people in one go." I say shakily and he holds me tighter. 

I start to hearing a fade voice, become more and more clear.

"What did you do to her?!" Nik's voice echos through my head and I start to feel dizzy. I close my eyes and Lucien picks me up.

  Klaus still lies on the bed in an abandoned room as Genevieve enters. His eyes are closed but he is conscious as she touches his stomach where a nasty scar protrudes from where Papa Tunde's blade disappeared inside of him, he opens his eyes still in a weak state and sweating, circles under his eyes. He looks around and notice Natalya peacefully sleeping on a bed across the room.

"You poor thing, having to feel pain while your beautiful wife just dreams blissfully." She speaks to him gently and goes over to the hospital cart and picks up a scalpel off the tray, his eyes watch her. "Don't worry, I'm here to help."

She speaks as she cuts open his stomach along the line of the red scar, she pushes up her sleeve and digs her hand into his stomach; he screams and thrashes against the restraints as she pulls out Papa Tunde's blade; he growls at her and writhes in pain. His eyes find their way back to Natalya, Genevieve looks over and smiles

"To her? nothing harmful. She is one Original I like, I'm simply placing memories, happy memories of her and Lucien." The red head witch Genevieve says with a smile.

"What do you mean 'placing'?" He grunts through his clenched teeth.

"I mean, I'm replacing memories of you, with fake memories of him." She explains and then Natalya lets out a satisfying moan. Nik tries to move, but fails and Genevieve smirks.

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