I Believe In Us (Zayn Malik for jujusjerry)

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: jujusjerry

Zayn Malik love story for jujusjerry

MY TUMBLR:       http://brianalynn1996.tumblr.com/

Charecters:                                             Played by:

Crystal Mahone                                   Bridget Mendler

"Hello i'm Jamie Peters and i'm her with international recording artist Crystal Mahone!" The man to my left said.

"So Crystal what's new in the music buisness?" He asked.

I laughed and ran a hand through my brown hair. "There isn't much really. I'm working on some new songs that should be on my album."

Cheers went on around the stage and through the girls outside.

"So Crystal, let's talk about the new songs your writing." Jamie said to me seriously.

I sighed. This is a daily occurence for me. Everywhere i go it's all about which new song i'm gonna write and how it relates to other people.

"Mostly the songs i'm writing are about crush's. Some are about revenge and some are liking someone who doesn't know you exist. The last one i think girls and some boys will relate to a celebrity."

"Your music has been very popular in many countries by many generations i hear. I should know, that's the only thing my 7 year old will listen too." He sighed but i could tell he was hiding a smile.

"I feel that i write about things almost every kid and teenager goes through. We all want people to like us and we all love people who don't love us back." I stated to him. "Boys don't realize how bad we try to impress them."

"Are you aware of One Direction?" He smiled.

"Yes," I laughed. "If you don't know about them then you've been living under a rock."

"And what do you think about them?"

"I love them." I gush to him. "I love how they are all about making girls feel beautiful and making them more confident. I have low self-esteem and when What Make's You Beautiful came out, it made me believe i really was beautiful and people do love me."

Awwww's filled the crowd and laugh's also.

"Did you know that Zayn Malik is in One Direction?"

"Of course." I grinnned sheepishly.

"I heard recently he went to the store and bought your doll." Jamie said, a smile on his lips. Jamie is gay and loves the latest gossip. His husband and him are absolutly hilarious. So how do they have a daughter? They adopted her 2 years ago and are working on adopting another one.

Behind me a picture of Zayn and the boys were on the screen, Zayn shielding a bag in his right hand and in the next picture was Louis holding the bag in one hand and holding my doll in the other out of Zayn's grip.

I automatically blushed.

"I didn't know that. Well now is a good time to tell everyone i have his doll to. In fact i have all of One Direction's dolls." I announce proudly. "Except i like Zayn's much more. The other boys i like equaly." I held my hand to about chest height. "And Zayn is like up here." I held my hand way above my head.

"You know, since he's the future mother of my children." I grinned cheekily.

Everyone laughed.

"I also stalk him on Twitter. I don't follow him though."

"And why not?" Jamie asked.

"I'm afraid to fallow him because then i'd probably end up confessing my love to him." I said blushing.

Surprising Love (One shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें