Chapter Three - The Start Of History

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It was the first day of apprentice training and Frost jumped out of the apprentice den. All the other apprentices were already at training! Frost was late! 

Frost ran out of the den and slid across the corners to get to training. Frost was to fast, causing him to crash into Rainbuzz! "Huuuffff--" Frost coughed. "You little furball!" Rainbuzz growled. "Are you both okay?" Furpaw meowed. "Does it look like it?" Rainbuzz hissed.

"Wow! Your so fast Frost" meowed Pestpaw. "Shut your meowhole! You and your dumb name!" Furpaw hissed as Pestpaw coughed. "All of you! Go hunt or something! I'm not teaching today!" Rainbuzz growled. All of the apprentices ran off into the woods, knowing he would get mad.

"It's okay, Frost, Rainbuzz is just a little grumpy!" Pestpaw purrered. "Grumpy?! GRUMPY?! He's like this ALL the time!!" Furpaw growled. "Don't listen to him Frost!" Pestpaw hissed. It was like this for eighteen moons. Then, it was Frost's big moment!

"Clan meeting!" Mothmoss meowed out. All the cats gathered. "I'm getting old, and I am going to say something very important..." Mothmoss purred. "Frost , after moons of training, is finally a warrior!" Mothmoss meowed loudly. Every cat there applauded with their obnoxious meowing.

"And now.. I shall announce the new leader of GrassyClan!" Mothmoss meowed as Frost closed his eyes and crossed his tail. "And the leader is... our newest warrior! Frost!" Mothmoss meowed out loud. All the cats meowed in thankfulness. But before Frost could step up onto the rock, a loud growl came from a cat in the back.

Then, the whole MoonClan came out of the ferns behind them! Furleaf, in the back, had joined MoonClan! "I'm not surprised all of you wouldn't expect me to be a traitor!" Furleaf growled. "And neither am I!" Frost hissed. "Clan attack!" Frost growled.

Little did they know, that story would go down in history.

Warriors - Frost - A Story Of The BeginningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang