Chapter Seven- Sunni Likes Fall (The Season, of Course)

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Chapter 7- Sunni Likes Fall (The Season of Course)

         It has been a full week since Shadow and her friend of hers, Alex, went missing. My aunt Juno is worried sick. She told the police that they were in Shay's room when they came back from our grandma's funeral and then when she came up to tell Alex it is time to go home, and they weren't there. She called Alex's mom to see if they were there but they were gone. Disappeared into thin air. I wondered if that weird tall mirror Shadow got from our grandma's house had anything to do with it. I TOLD her that she shouldn't trust the mirror. I have seen weird flashing lights from the mirror. My mom and I have a discussion about it every night at dinner. I just started to eat dinner in my room, just to get away from it. The is how our conversations go: 

            Mom: Are you sure that you don't know what happened to Shadow and her friend? 
            Me: Yes! I told you that already! 
            Mom: You look like you are hiding something from me. Spit it out. 
            Me: *spits on the floor* 
            Mom: Cut it out, young lady! 
            Me: You told me to spit it out. 
            Mom: You know you can trust me, right? 
            Me: Yes, mom. 
            Mom: So just tell me where they are. We all just want them to get them home safe and sound. 
            Dad: Honey, please leave our daughter alone. You can clearly see that she has no idea what happened. 

            Okay so the dad part didn't happen. But I would happily appreciate that my dad would tell her to stop bugging the heck out of me. When Shay gets home, I will probably literally kiss her right on the cheek and then yell out THANK GOD! Then I would probably scream at her for disappearing. 

            My train of thoughts were broken by someone knocking on my door. "Honey. Dinner is ready. Please come down and eat," it was my dad.

            "Just bring it up here!" I told him and he opened the door. 

            "Sunni," he ruffled my hair. 

            "Hey!" I protested, fixing my golden blonde hair.

            "I know you are going through a lot of stuff now that Shadow disappeared and your grandma just died and all," he stopped. A tear went down my face. 

            "Don't mention grandma," I mumbled. 

            "Sorry, hon. Can you just tell me the cold, hard truth, Sun?" my dad asked me. I sighed. My mom probably just sent him to ask me, AGAIN. 

            "Sure, dad." I looked at him straight in the eye. "I absolutely don't know where the heck Shay and her friend Alex are," I said. I held up three fingers like a boy scout does. "Boy Scout's honor," I said. 

            "Fine, Sunni. You are officially off the hook. Now lets go eat," he told me. 

            I followed him into the kitchen, where my mom was sitting waiting for us. "Now Bea. Our daughter here is telling the truth. Please let her be," my dad said seriously. 

            "But.." my mom muttered. "Okay Sunni. I believe you. But your Aunt Juno wants you to come over there tomorrow," my mom said seriously. I groaned. I mean I love my aunt but now I have to deal with even MORE Shadow stuff. But I do want to know what happened to her. Then ate our family dinner of steak and corn on the cob in silence, not knowing what to say. 

            After dinner, my dad turned on the news to see some sport scores. I sighed and just surfed the web next to him on the couch until I heard Shadow's name on the TV. "Breaking news!" a girl news reporter said on the TV. I set my laptop to the side to watch. "Two kids, the age of fifteen went missing last week. They are known to be good friends. Their names are Shadow, or also known as Shay Rose and Alex Halter. Police are still searching and investigating. There are three suspects of who possibly kidnapped them. A witness says that they might have seen both kids at a local gas station." A picture of the side of a girl who had the same colored hair as Shadow flashed on the screen. I knew that wasn't Shadow. Then a picture showed of both Alex and Shadow came up. "If you have seen these kids, please make sure to call this number as soon as possible. Thank you," a phone number showed up on the screen. Oh my god. I can't believe that Aunt Juno gave this story to the news. That didn't seem like her. Sounds more like my mom...

            Both my dad and I looked at my mom. "What?" she asked. I raised my eyebrows. "Okay! Fine! I gave that story to the news. What is the harm? That means more people can help find her," said my mom. "I just can't bear to think of Shadow being missing. I can't believe what your aunt has gone through. And if I lost you.." she trailed off, whimpering. A tear rolled down her plump face. I sighed softly and gave her a hug. 

            "You will never lose me mom,"  whispered into her ear. 

            "I know that," she smiled. And then she started to tickle me right on my neck, my weak spot. I laughed loud and for a long time, even after she stopped.  

            My mom looked at the time. "We should all be going to bed," she smiled. "See you tomorrow, Sun," she looked at me. 

            "Night," I told her and dad. I crawled up to my room and for seventh night in a row, I had the same dream. 

            A woman named Milda had come to me. "Nice to see you again, Sunni," Milda smiled.


            I was standing at the front door of Shadow's house. I rang the doorbell like three times. It was pouring rain and I was super cold. "Sorry it took me so long, Sunni," Aunt Juno apologized. 

            "That's okay," I mumbled. She gave me a towel and some of Shadow's clothes. 

            "Go change, your soaking wet." I nodded and went to Shadow's room to change. It was a mess, as always. I slipped on her purple t-shirt that said Dream On. I slipped on some of her gray sweatpants. I looked at the tall mirror that grandma gave her. It was so mystic. It looked different now that all the dust is gone. My hands traced the little designs of golden flowers on vines in the corners. I walked back downstairs, feeling better. 

            "Where is your clothes? I will put them in the drier," Aunt Reyna asked me. 

            "I left them upstairs," I mumbled. "I will be right back," I told her. I walked quickly upstairs and then I went into Shadow's room. I closed the door behind me and then grabbed my clothes. Forgetting that I closed the door, I ran straight into the door. I fell over by the mirror. All of a sudden my eyes were closed and I had a sensation of falling. But wait, my eyes weren't closed. I was surrounded by darkness. A heard a scream and it turns out it was mine. After what felt like twenty-ish minutes I saw light below me and I landed smack dab in the middle of a random field full of flowers. 

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