that ugly drunk guy that nobody likes

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Sans POV
I'm an idiot... A complete idiot. I have to ask grillby about this

"Hey sans, same as always right?"
"no thanks, i actually got to ask you about somethin"
"Really? You never ask me anything."
"ya well I can't tell pap and your like the only other person i talk to so..."
"OK what is it?"
"you heard about the human that fell like a week ago right?"
"Of course everyone is talking about how she is going to get us to the surface."
"well... i kind of kissed her..."
Grilbeys face went blank  and then he started to laugh his butt off.
"Omg sans you are an idiot. Hahahaha"
"OK,OK, I'm done. But why did you kiss her?"
"well we where playing this game, and then like she like jumped on top of me. She looked all flustered like she didnt mean to do it and like he face went beat red, she looked so cute... And then I kissed her out of nowhere with out even thinking about how she would react."
"so what do I do??"
"I don't know sans, I've never been in a Situation like this before..."
"oh, im sorry for wastin your time then i got to go."
"Ok, bye sans, I'm really sorry for not being any help but if you ever need anything you know where to find me."
"thanks gribls"
What should I do??? Should I just ignore her? Thats probably the best bet. She probably wouldn't want to see me after that.
Time skip
Frisks POV
The party's over. I haven't seen sans around since he... Kissed me that day. I just don't understand though, was he doing it to make fun of me, or did he know I liked him?!?!?! Or was it something else?!?! I dont know. But I'm actually really worried about sans. Nobody has seen him. Not even pap, he's really worried. So I'm going to go look for him. The problem is pap. He hasn't been letting me leave the house with out his super vision, he says that he wouldnt know what he would do if he lost me too, so he has to stay with me. I dont really mind it, it wasn't like I ever really went out anyway, but still, I need to go look for sans.

Pap has training today with undyne so that will probably give me a good amount of time to look for sans with out him knowing.
So as soon as he leaves I slip out the door and think.
"If I where sans where would I be... Maybe the library!"
I go to the library and there is no trace if sans.
"hmm. Maybe at his post!"
No sign of sans
"Where would he be!!! Wait I know! GRILBEYS!!! He has to be there where else would he be?.
I make my way to grilbeys and I see a horrible sight.
There at every table and there all completely wasted. I try to make my way over to the counter to ask grilbey if hes seen sans when I get cornered my a drunk monster.
"Well youra ccuteone"
He's completely slurring his words so its hard to make out what he's saying but I understood what he said. But I just ignore it.
"Excuse me, but if you could please move out if my way I really need to talk to some one"
"buthunny you con tallk toooo mwee all yo want."
He has a disgusting creepy look on his face
"I'm sorry but I should really be goi-
i get cut off by a cold hand comeing up my shirt
he raises his hand to slap me but then sans bust in out if nowhereand blast him in the face.
(megalovaina music plays because why not?)
he looks at the monster
"Dont ever touch MY stuff"
Wait wait wait!!!!!! Did he say my stuff.

IM IN LOVE WITH A SKELETON!!! (Frisk X Sans)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora