Introduction {IMPORTANT}

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{{NOTICE: I do not own Moana, nor do I own you. This is a work of fiction meant to entertain, and I claim no responsibility for any licensed characters, nor any of the art and music I use throughout this story. "_______" Please insert more legal disclaimers in the blank space provided.}}

Though the title can speak for itself, I wanted to address a few things about this story.

First off, if you like it and want to see more, then please let me know. I have enjoyed writing this first part, and if others enjoy it as well, I would be glad to share more.

Secondly, while I do greatly appreciate accuracy within stories based on existing ones, I will have to take a few liberties with this particular story. For example, I'm making the language of Moana and her people Hawaiian. I know that it's not specifically stated whether or not Moana is Hawaiian (since technically her story takes place thousands of years ago, when there weren't clear distinctions between Polynesian cultures like the ones we recognise today), but this will simply make it easier on me. Also, before anyone asks "Why not just make her speak English like in the movie?!" Again, accuracy. You, the reader, are a sailor (explorer, pirate, etc., I don't mind any way), and as a stranger to Motunui, you are unlikely to recognise the language that's being spoken to you. {However, if/when you "learn" the language, I will switch the dialogue to mostly English, so you won't have to constantly copy, paste, and Google whatever Moana and her people are saying, unless you enjoy doing that.}

Another liberty I'm taking is the time period. Yes, Moana's story takes place thousands of years ago. However, even taking accuracy into consideration, it would be difficult to describe how you would make it to the island, considering that many foreign explorers didn't find Polynesia until centuries later (that I know of, at least). With that in mind, and with the power of fanfiction, this will be during an unspecified period, though you happen to be a sailor during what would be the 18th century.

IMPORTANT: This story will take place after the events of the Moana movie. So, as a general rule of thumb: EXPECT SPOILERS. I will have to take a liberty or two to make the story and characters interesting, though I'll try to stay true to their roots. Also, during the duration of this story, I shall do my best to find my inner Disney writer (wherever the hell it may be...) to add a bit of flavour as well. With that being said, you may expect a song or two, just because.

So, if you've made it to the end of this little intro of mine, congratulations! I have nothing to give you, so imagine that you are receiving a favourite cold drink that's in a coconut shell, with a miniature umbrella and a silly straw for decoration. If you didn't make it to the end of this little intro, then you're obviously lying, since you're reading this right now. Anybut, I hope you all enjoy this story. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I respect constructive criticism, though take note that I can be rather stubborn. Also (though I really shouldn't need to say this), don't be pricks to each other.

~ Cheers, R.E.A

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