(chappy one) bad dreams

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Chloe pov

I can't sleep at all tonight
The moon is full,  the stars peacefully twinkle in the sky 
Why can't I sleep? 
Maybe the branch from that tree tapping on my window
Or maybe I'm home alone for a while and feel unsafe?
I decided to cheek the house one last time
I grab a flashlight and walk out my room,  exploring the house

All I hear is myself breathing and the wind out side
A hear a creek of a door
"Hello? "
I call out
So I continue to cheek the house
I have cheeked the whole house
The basement
I slowly walk down the basement stairs then hear another noise
"Who's here?! "
I call out
I was standing in the middle of the basement when
A large hand with long,  black finger nails grab me by the head, causing me to drop my flashlight
I tried to scream for help but it pulled me into the mirror that we keep in the basement
I couldn't scream, or be heard at the least
I then heard the insane laughter that I knew too well
'Joker! '

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