Chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning in Jared's house. I sit up and look around his messy bedroom. The floor covered in magazines and clothing. I move my hair from my face and move out from under the covers. I notice my pants are off and get wide eyed. Jared soon pokes his head in the room and gives me a warm smile. "Mornin' sleepy head." He says and ruffles his hair. I look up at him from the bed and rub my forehead. "Why am I here?" I say and look back at him. He sits beside me nervously and gives me a slight smile. "Well, your house door was locked and I didn't want to get you into trouble so I let you stay at mine." He says then hands me Painkillers and some orange juice. I force a smile at him then swallow the pills and drink the juice. "Thanks, but now can we get to the more important part? Why are my pants off?" I say and raise an eyebrow as he looks at me. "I wouldn't do anything to you, unless you wanted me to." He says and I finally realize he's only in his boxers. I look him up and down then he leaves the room. I get up and put my clothes on then search the room for my phone. I find nothing and call for him, "Jared! Jared!" I say and he comes in all dressed up. "Where is my phone?" I say and he grabs it from the floor. "Right here dummy!" He says and laughs as I roll my eyes. I look at him in his tux and cross my arms. "Why are you wearing that?" I ask and he opens his bedroom door. "On Sundays I have to be good." He says and I walk out. His mother waves me off as I exit the house sighing in relief. I get home and my mom looks at me worried. "Where were you?! I was so afraid!" She says and I look at her. "I stayed at Katie's, mom. I'm sorry to worry you." I say and walk passed her going upstairs. I shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed before checking my phone. 10 text messages from Caleb. I read them as my mom knocks on my door. "Sweetie, can we talk?" She says and I turn my phone off laying it on my dresser. I nod and sit on the bed as she sits beside me. "I know you miss your father very much but it's time for me to move on. I loved him with all of my heart and he loved us. Of course I would take back what happened--" she says and I cut her off, "But you can't huh? I don't understand why you need him anyways! This is such bull!" I say and leave my room trying to not show I'm crying. Caleb was walking up to the house and I hug him. I cry into his chest as he hugs me back. "Take me out of here!" I say and he nods putting me into the car. We drive for an hour and I grab his cigarette pack. I take one and light it taking in the black smoke. I cough and breathe it out. I look at him and he sighs. "When are you going to tell me what happened?" He says and I shrug taking another puff. He pulls off into a restaurant and gets out. I follow him and take one last puff before throwing it out then stepping on it. We go in and sit at the bar. An older lady takes our order then brings him a coffee. I feel his hand grip mine as he smiles at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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