I Meet A Winged-Woman

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To be honest, most people who do what I'm doing are probably stupid. After getting teleported home by that stone I should have just thought it was a dream and left it alone. But that night while I was eating supper I knew I needed an answer. What was that stone? Three days had passed by the time I made up my mind. I needed to go back to the forest and recover that stone. Why, you may ask, was I so obsessed? How would you react if you found a glowing stone that could return you home upon request? Yeah, I think anyone would go looking for something like that.

"Hey mom! I'm heading out! I'll see you in a couple hours okay? I'll be back before curfew, I promise!" I yelled, pausing at the door awaiting her response.

"Alright sweetheart! Be careful!" She yelled back. I nodded to myself, opening the door. I'll be sure to be careful, Mom.

By the time I was two feet into the forest weird things started to happen.

I didn't know what was happening, it didn't seem real to me. As I ran, a path seemed to appear in my brain. Was the stone calling out to me? I glanced to my left and right to see trees, hoping that at the trunk of one there would be a small stone. I looked at my feet and realized that I was running faster than I should have been able to. I felt my stomach do a flip on my insides. Was I dreaming? First some made-up map of the forest and now I'm basically the Flash? This was definitely not my week.

I felt like I had been running forever. I wasn't sure if I would ever find that mysterious stone. At least, that's what I thought before I heard a woman's voice inside my head.

Ace Nickelson. The stone you are looking for is not far from here. My power will drain soon, so you're running will go back to it's normal speed. I do apologize if this is a bit frightening or confusing. I await your presence by the stone, It said, causing me to jump a little. Normally when girls talked in my head, they didn't say anything like that, so I was positive that this wasn't from my own brain. But, there's no way that was possible, right?

Before I could think of another question the odd woman's power left my legs, causing me to trip and fall to the ground rather ungracefully onto my face. Standing up, I looked around. Trees were everywhere, but one stood out. A soft blue glow flowed from the roots of the tree. I knew right away that was the stone. Though, there was something else, something that made the tree really stand out. There stood a woman with light blue hair that fell to her waist and green eyes that reminded me of emeralds. Now, it's not everyday you see a beautiful girl with blue hair and green eyes, but those weren't even her oddest attributes. Behind the woman sprouted two big, pure white, beautiful wings.

My mouth was probably hanging open, because the woman laughed at me. I blinked, trying to see if there was anything wrong with my eyes. "W-Who?" Was all I managed to get out. The woman smiled. Reaching out, she grabbed ahold of my shoulder.

"You can call me The Guardian. I see you found me, and the stone." Rubbing my eyes, I gave a small nod. I couldn't seem to find my voice. I doubt it mattered though, The Guardian could probably read minds or something.

"I see. Well, young Nickelson, I want you to do something for me." The Guardian spoke. I blinked, trying to focus and make sure I was hearing her right. I tried to think of how my best friend, Jaden Michaels, would deal with this situation. He was pretty good with the ladies, and he taught me everything I knew about getting girls. The first steps always includes just listening to her in her times of need.

"What do you need? Just a favor or something?"

"I wouldn't have made my presence known to a human for a simple favor, Ace," She said, her smile almost mischievous.

"What and who are you?"

"I'll explain later, but what I need you to do is gather all the Desire Elements and save the Sister Worlds." 

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