Seeking help

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"Oh crap" I thought as I felt myself shrinking again "what am I going to do? I don't have time for this! I need to get to the café!"

I look around for Dren, but he is nowhere in sight, he must have returned to his own dimension. I start to panic as I realise that I am totally alone in the park, and nobody knows my situation! thinking that this could either be a great idea or a terrible one, I set off towards the café, in hopes that I can communicate with my friends and they will be able to help me out of this mess.

Due to my tiny kitten legs, it takes me ages to reach the café, but when I do, I hear raised voices coming from the kitchen, so I creep around to see what is happening.

"I told you she would be late again!" it was Elliot, and he sounded really mad.

"I know you did, Elliot, but what do you expect when she comes in every day after class? And stays late to close up?" it was Wesley defending me, he is so sweet!

"I know..." Elliot sighed "but if she cant come to a café on time how is she ever going to save the planet?"

I peer around the doorway just as Wesley puts his hand on Elliot's shoulder "Don't worry about that, worry about your research for now, Zoe and the girls are a great team, and they will save the planet when the time comes." with that Wesley walked away, leaving Elliot deep in thought and me in the doorway.


I sigh, I know that Wesley is right, Zoe and the others are amazing, spirited fighters, but I cant help but worry about them. Zoe in particular, as such a headstrong girl she gets into some difficult situations without trying. I shake my head and stretch, trying to put the concern out of my mind, Wesley is right, my research into the intense signals we have been detecting is just as important as training the girls right now.

As I turn to head to the basement I hear a tiny meow, confused, I look for the source and see a tiny black kitten stood in the kitchen doorway. I walk over and kneel down next to it. "Well hello, kitty, you shouldn't be here." my statement was met with another meow and the kitten pawing at my knee.

"Are you hungry? Here, just don't tell the others..." I smile and place a small tin of sardines on the step just outside the door before nudging the cat out and closing the door. although I felt bad, I headed to the basement, ignoring the pathetic mews and scratching at the doors.


I look at the tin of sardines in disgust before running around to the front of the café. if Elliot wouldn't help me, I would get Wesley or one of the girls to help. surely one of them would be able to understand me? maybe I was just being too quiet for Elliot to hear me?

I slip into the café as a group of girls leave and make a dash towards Bridget...if anyone were to crack this it would be her. I run between tables to avoid being stepped on and finally reach Corinas table, where I know Bridget will come to collect the empty cup any moment. as I see her shoes I leap out and beg for help...but she just looks down at me, with a startled expression on her face. oh no....they can't understand me at all! 


sorry for the long absence, life got in the at of my writing as usual, but I hope tobe getting into the groove a bit more now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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