Stand Up - Part 10

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It was almost 5pm so I went to the playground to get Shauny and Shane, on our way back home Shauny couldn’t stop talking about what they’ve done today but I wasn’t really listening. When we arrived at home Shauny played with her Barbie’s in the backyard as Shane played some football with the son from the neighbors. I sat in the kitchen just playing with a little paper, staring in front of me when my phone vibrated, I looked at it and saw it was Sarah “How are you doing ? Are the kids being nice ? We’re already coming back tomorrow around 11am xx” – “Hi ! They’re really nice ! Such sweet kids, I love them. And I’m fine (: I’mma talk to Liam soon .. People in the store were talking to me about it, I saw him today with Caitlin and I started crying in front of them… Alright see you tomorrow than ! Xx”  I replied back. I started cooking dinner, I went outside when dinner was ready “Guys, dinner is ready” I said, they immediately stood up and ran inside “I’m starving !” Shane shouted, I giggled as I both give them some spaghetti and cutted it for Shauny as we all started eating, together with the son of the neighbors, “I got a surprise for you tomorrow when you’re home from the playground” I said as I smiled “what is it ?” Shauny immediately asked with a huge smile on her face “You’ll see” I said. When we were done Shauny and Shane watched some tv “C’mmn Shauny shall we have a bath ?” I said as I reached out my hand, she came over and held my hand as we walked upstairs and I putted her in bath, I washed her hair as she played with some Barbie’s and was talking about the playground. “Do you wanna play for 10 more minutes with your Barbie’s in bath ?” I questioned when I was done “Yes !” she shouted enthusiastically , I smiled “Okay” I said as I got downstairs “How was your day ?” I asked Shane “Good” he said “Can I ask you something ?” he continued “Of course” I said “Why aren’t you and Liam babysitting together ?” he asked “Well errm..” I said “Some older people were being mean to me today, they were saying that Liam cheated on you and that he’s a player and things like that” he said quietly “Is it true ? Did he cheated on you ?” he asked, I sighed “Yes he did..” I said, his eyes started tearing up “He did what !? He’s my best friend ! I can’t believe he did that to you ! He’s not someone who’s hurting other people ! I looked up to him !” he shouted “Shane..” I said “No ! This can’t be true !” he said as he cried and ran outside in the backyard, I sighed and closed my eyes for few seconds when I heard Shauny shouting “I’m coming !” I shouted back as I got up, putted her PJ’s on and carried her downstairs “You can watch some tv and in 10 minutes it’s time for bed okay ?” I asked, she nodded and watched ‘Dora’ I went outside to check on Shane, he was sitting by the lake their backyard leaded to “Hey buddie, mind if I join you ?” I questioned, he pulled up his shoulders as I took a seat next to him “what are you thinking of ?” I asked as we both stared in front of us “Liam” he said “He’s like a brother to me and he hurted you.. He cheated on you, I don’t want such a brother.. I hate people who do that” he said “Everyone makes mistakes Shane, everybody does. I did, you will and so did Liam. But we make mistakes to learn from them and get smarter of it but most of all to forgive them” I said, he looked at me “Do you think you will ever forgive him ?” he asked “of course I will, I can’t be mad at him forever you know but because I forgive him doesn’t mean he has back my trust and that I forgot about it” I replied “mhm” he mumbled “But I think you should forgive him too” I said “Why should I ?” he asked “Because he’s always been there for you, you guys had such a nice time together and I don’t want to ruin that.. What happened is something between me and Liam, I know you’re upset but you shouldn’t be mad at him. What happened is happened, what will be will be” I said “He’s the only brother I have.. I look up to him because he’s always been so good, so nice to everyone.. But now he’s been so rude, so mean and I didn’t know he was like that” he said, I putted my arm around him as he rested his head on my shoulder “Like I said Shane, everybody makes mistakes.. We learn from them and we forgive them but that doesn’t mean we will ever forget them. Once you will make a mistake too than you will have your friends and family who will always support you and I don’t know if I belong to something but I will always be there for you too” I said “You belong to my family, cause now you’re like a sister to me” he said as I kissed his hair “I just don’t want you and Liam to split up forever.. You guys were perfect together, we had so much fun.. I miss those times, I wan them back” he said “Maybe they will come back.. Maybe with Caitlin, who knows” I said “No, I don’t like her. She took Liam away from you, from us. I hate her, she’s not welcome here” he said, I giggled “Shall we go inside ?”  I questioned “Yeah” he said as we both stood up “Emma ?” he asked “Yes ?” I questioned “Do you promise me you will always be there for me ?” he asked “Promised” I said as I pulled him into a tight hug “If you ever wanna talk with someone, just call, text me or come over I will always make time for you” I said as I smiled, he smiled back as we both walked inside. Shauny fell asleep in the couch, I carried her upstairs and laid her in her bed. I went back downstairs and watched a funny movie with Shane when the movie was done it was bit later than 10pm so he went to bed. I did the dishes cause I had nothing else to do, I watched some tv after it and went to bed around midnight. Next morning I brought Shauny and Shane back to the playground. When I got back home I took a shower and looked around if I had to clean something. I already packed my stuff and putted it already in my car. Bit later Sarah and Tim arrived home “Hiiiii !” Sarah shouted happily as she gave me a major hug “Hi ! How are ya ?” I asked enthusiastically “I’m fine ! It was a great weekend ! We really enjoyed it ! How are you darling ?” she asked “I’m fine” I replied “And now without lying..” she said “No really, I’m feeling better. I’ve spoken to Gina and Niall and I’ma call Liam to see him so I can listen to what he has to say..” I said, she smiled “I hope everything will turn out fine” Sarah said “Yeah.. I hope so too” – “Did the kids listen to you ?” she asked “Yes absolutely, they were so brave. But Shane was kinda shocked when he heard what Liam did..” I replied “Oh we’ll talk to him about it. They had a very strong relationship” she said “Yeah I know. I already talked to him and than we watched a comedy movie, so it was bit later” I said as I smiled “No problem, I think you did a great job” she smiled widely. We’ve been talking for 2 more hours “But if you don’t mind, I got some stuff to do today” I said “It’s fine ! Go” she said as she smiled, we hugged and I left, thinking about what I had to do today. 5 minutes later I arrived at home, I sighed and looked around. I didn’t like to be here at all, finally I got out. I grabbed my stuff and went inside. I saw my parents weren’t at home, Sky neither, I sighed happily. I decided to call Liam first before I’d change my mind, I grabbed my phone and called him… He picked up

“Hello ?” he questioned “Errrm, hi.. It’s me, errm Emma” I was stuttering and my eyes were tearing up, it was so weird to hear his voice “Hi Emma, why are y-you calling ?” he asked, I sighed “Maybe it would be a good idea to meet, cause I heard you have to explain me some things” I said “That would be great” he replied “Shall I meet you in an hour at Starbucks ?” I asked “No, not in public. That wouldn’t be a good idea. You know st.James park ?” he questioned “Yes” I replied “I’mma meet you there in an hour alright ?” he asked “Okay fine” I replied “See you than” he said “Yup, bye” I said and hanged up.

I sighed, what have I done ? I regretted the whole call, I didn’t want to see him. But there’s nothing I can do about it anymore. I went upstairs and took a shower as soon as I was done I putted some make up on and some fresh clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I realized how bad I looked the last days. I went downstairs and made myself a sandwich, I looked at the time and saw it was already time to leave. I saw his car was already gone so I jumped in and drove to st. James park while eating my sandwich. When I arrived I stayed in the car just thinking about how I have to react when I’d see him again, I took a deep breath and got out, I looked around to see where he was when I spotted him on a bench next to the lake, I walked up to him “H-hi” I stutterd, he directly got up and smiled slightly “Hey” he said as we both took a seat “You look better.. Better than when I saw you in the store” he continued, I sighed “Yeah.. Thanks” I replied “I’ve been talking to Gina and Niall.. Niall got mad at me but anyways, they’ve told me you had to explain something.. They were not the only ones. The second day your mom texted me and she said when I was ready I had to listen to what you have to say..’ I continued “Okay.. Let me talk first okay ? Questions later” he said as I nodded and pulled up my knees “Alright” he said “I know Caitlin for already a very long time. I lost contact with her, but I saw her again about a month ago, she invited me to her house where her parents told me I had to pretend like I was dating her so she had more fame. I told them I couldn’t because I like you. I directly left, they’ve been calling me the whole time. I was walking somewhere when I saw her parents, they walked up to me and started threaten me. You know I can’t drink cause I only have one kidney ? Well, when I was younger I was drunk and I was almost in a coma, but Caitlin her dad is doctor so he saved my life, I asked them to not tell it to my mom cause she would’ve a heart attack and I would be grounded to badly. So her parents were saying that if I didn’t pretend to be her boyfriend they would tell my mom and that I slept with many girls and one of them was pregnant and such things, which aren’t true but my mom would believe them cause she doesn’t know what kind of people they really are. I told them I was dating you and that I really love you, but they didn’t care and kept threaten me, so I told them it was alright. I felt so bad about it, I don’t like Caitlin at all. She’s a bitch and she’s using me for her fame.. But there’s nothing I can do about it” he continued as he sighed, some tears rolled down my cheeks “W-why didn’t you never told me this ?” I asked “I don’t know.. I didn’t know how you would react..” he replied “Does your mom know the whole story ?” I questioned as he shook his head “No, I only told her that Caitlin’s using me for the fame” he replied, I wiped my tears and sighed “you should tell your mom the whole story, everything you said to me now.” I said “No, I can’t” he replied quick “Why not ?” I questioned “Because my mom would be so disappointed in me and so mad..” he said “I’ll go with you, but you gotta tell her. They’ve been threaten you, they took you away from me” I said as I cried, he pulled me into a tight hug, I covered my head in his neck as I cried. “Don’t cry..” he said “We’re going this afternoon to my mom” he continued. We stayed there in the park talking for hours when we left to his mom’s house…

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