Standing Still

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 Xavier's face is red. In fury.

"Uh its alright they can't hurt me anymore..." I trail off not adding words to the lie.

He stares. And stares...and stares.

I don't have the time for this I need to go home. "Xavier I need to leave,"  If I don't get home before my dad...I am dead. Literally.

He sighs softly, "Text you later..." and walks away.

I shrug and walk out into the school's parking lot.  Having a motorcycle gives me the sense of freedom. I love the way the wind feels in my hair.

Swiftly I start the engine and climb on.

Hopefully its not too late.


When I pull into the driveway I see my dad's truck. Oh lord. I brace myself and shut the bike off.

As soon as I walk into my house, I'm ambushed.

"Where were you?" Dad asks, feigning calmness.

"I-I was h-held back for a few m-minutes..." I trail off and flinch as he stands off his chair and slowly approaches me.

He stops in front of me. "Did you get detention?"

"N-no!" I stammer

Dad raises his hand and slaps me. I fall to the floor and cry out in pain. He grabs a knife from his pocket and pulls my shirt up.

He slips the knife around and around my stomach.

Blood runs down from the cuts and drips on the floor. I scream and cry for him to stop but he punches my cheek and straddles me.

He cuts everywhere. My arms, legs, belly, thighs, anywhere people won't notice.

My blood spills out of my body. The floor is tainted with it, his hands are tainted with it.

He smacks my head on the floor and I scream before it goes black...


 Screaming I jolt awake. I look around panting. It was a bad dream...not the beating though.

However much I wish, the beatings will never be dreams.

I sit up and wince, my body aches so badly. The cuts are fresh and pulsing with pain.

Slowly, I edge my way off the bed. I gingerly walk to my closet and get out the most concealing clothes I have. Black leggings, black hoodie, black beanie. I'm starting to look goth.

I walk to the fully stocked make-up tray and grab concealer for the nasty black eye.

When I'm done I look like a cake face. Oh well, I don't get noticed anyway.

I walk out into the hall quietly, trying my hardest not to wake up anyone. Outside the sky is a beautiful bright blue, no clouds. A cool breeze blows the hair not covered by my beanie.

I sigh and look at my motorcycle. There is no way I can drive after last night.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes.

       Unknown Number: Are you at school yet?

           Me: Uh who is this?

My heart skips a beat when I read the name.

      Unknown Number: Xavier.

      Me: Oh I uh hurt my leg and can't drive so I might be late.

I hate to lie but right now the truth does not matter. I slowly start to walk down my driveway to the road. As soon as I step on the sidewalk and black SUV pulls up beside me.

The passenger window rolls down and I'm greeted with the beautiful face of Xavier Crow.

"Hi," He says winking.

I'd wink back but my face hurts so I smile sweetly at him. "How do you know where I live?"

"I followed you home last night..." He says getting out and walking over to me. He opens the passenger door for me and ushers me inside.

I thank him but my mind is reeling. If he followed me... What did he see?

If he saw anything he doesn't let on. He gets back in and starts the car once more.

A minute later we are whizzing down the road.

I take this opportunity to question him. "Xavier why do you only talk to me?"

He thinks for a minute. "Because I know I can trust you."


"I've heard you stick up for me in the halls. You even punched someone for me..."

I smile.  I remember that.  They said something about him being mental and I snapped.

"I didn't know you knew that... " I mutter sheepishly.

He pulls in the schools parking lot.

When I go to open my door he locks it.

"I saw what happened last night," he blurts out suddenly.

My heart sinks and my eyes drop from his so I don't have to reply.

"Why didn't you tell me? " he asks... Hurt?

My blood boils with anger.  "You first talked to me yesterday. Yesterday!  And you expect me to share my biggest secret? " I breath out heavily.  "Not yet a anyway... "

He looks shocked. And hurt. And mad. "Your father abused you and you don't tell anybody?!"

I'm done. Done.  I pull up the lock and step out of the car. Not saying anything I slam the door and walk away.

People gather in shock and I understand them. Dirty me getting out of a princes car.

I'm almost in the school when my shoulders get wrenched around.

I cry out as pain shoots through me.  My cuts!

The pain. Cuts reopen and blood soaks my shirts.

Gasping I fall. Of course though Xavier catches me.

"I'm sorry "he whispers in my ear and holds me tightly as it all goes black. 



Guys I'm so excited because the parts in this story are longer than any others i make.... Vote please.

Peace ✌

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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