Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

It wasn't dark for long, there was a pale yellow light bathing the rest of the rickety wooden stairs. The stairs creaked and moaned, though I tried to step carefully down them, the last one broke with my weight, I screeched lightly. My small scream must have attracted someone's attention because I had the overwhelming feeling I was being watched.

I lifted my head up to find I was indeed correct, a man with dark features towered above me, he had a glint in his eyes that made my stomach churn.

"Hello, my dear." he said in a deep voice; bending down to help me up. I pulled away from his hands staring at him wide-eyed. "It's rude to ignore someone after they've just saved you." he said, his voice getting impossibly lower and my heart rate getting impossibly higher. "Hi." I squeaked, scared of what he could do to me in my..... state...of mind?

Did I even have a mind left....?

He invited me to sit at an elegant looking dining table and when I didn't move he forcefully pushed me over to the second chair, steering me by my shoulders, his fingernails lightly digging in. I held in a yelp of pain, looking over the exquisite layout for a weapon.

He pushed me down onto the antique looking chair and I stayed there watching him carefully as he walked away. He sat down in his own chair and began serving himself food, once his plate was full he stared at me gesturing towards the food. I hesitantly reached for the nearest plate so he would stop staring. I put a very small amount of food on my plate because my nausea seemed overwhelming. I leaned back carefully into the soft velvet upholstered chair and metal restraints came out of the chair's arms and legs, binding me to it so I couldn't move. I struggled against them hoping the metal would somehow break or release me but as horror movies and life had taught me bad things can only get worse.

"What should we do first?" he pondered to himself beckoning a hideous creature out of the shadows, a sick smile spread across his face, his pearly whites leering at me in my current state.

"I want you to cut her open..." He demanded the ugly ass creature before pausing," No, wait, let her do it herself. " he laughed.

My heart beat faster and louder against my rib cage, furiously trying to escape like I wanted to, the hideous monster morphed into me and I screamed. It's hand.... My hand..... Came down with a knife on my wrist, slicing it so the blood spilled out, making other incisions in me as blood poured out, my head felt like 500 elephants stomped around in it and yet lighter than a feather, pounding and yet swimming. Darkness pooled in my vision slowly taking over my senses, encasing my body and mind in a numbness as I lost myself.

I woke up in a haze but the sharp stabbing in my head blew the fogginess away. My wrists and thighs itched, I didn't feel myself and as I scratched at the areas my skin felt raw and tender, I looked down to see blood dribbling out my left wrist but I some how knew it wasn't mine.

Tears glistened in my eyes and a scream caught in my throat choking my senses, stopping them from working, I'm not sure how long I sat there staring into the abyss but soon the tall and dark man showed up, "Ah, you're awake. I'm Romulus and I must say it's been a pleasure experimenting on you, an honor to have experimented with his toy first.... You'll be broken soon enough..." he sighed trailing off at the end.

"Wha-what do you mean. " I asked clearing my throat. He laughed viciously mocking me," I don't do spoilers sweetheart. But here we don't need body bags... "

My eyes widened in horror and I knew any chances of immediate escape were out of the window, these were some sick, sick people and I'd have to play their game if I wanted to get out alive.

He circled me playfully, his eyes preying on my weakened form. A dull ache pulsed through my body, intensifying every few seconds when my heart beat. I grasped my head when a piercing ring cut through the stale air, "AHHH!" I cried out covering my ears yet the noise didn't dull, it felt like someone was crushing my temples in, like my head was wired to explode, "GAHH!" I screamed unable to control my cries as I writhed on the ground. So preoccupied protecting my hearing I barely felt the blows he began to land on me. Noticing this he began to bash at my ribs with a crowbar instead of his foot. He pulled deliciously blood curdling screams from my lips, it felt like he was tugging the life from my body. A gasped for air feeling like I couldn't breathe, like I was choking on pain and yet he didn't relent, beating me into unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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