Chapter 1

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"Mum, I'm just gonna take a picture!" I shout standing up from the rock I was sitting on. I raced towards the rock which wasn't that far away.

"Anna! Come back!" She shouted as I weave my way through some rocks. I turn back as rain pounded on my coat.

"I'll just be a minute mum, don't worry!" I took out my camera and turned my back on my mum. You could see for miles from up here. I stood up and looked down. The rock didn't stand on much and if I fell I would be screwed. I focus on my camera and look through the lens. If I could just get a little bit closer. Just a bit more. I place my foot on a bit of rock and put my weight on it. The rock slipped from beneath my foot and slid across taking me with him.


That's all I remeber before waking up in my bed. The house deathly quiet. I get out of bed and put on a maroon hoodie and a pair of dark jeans. It's winter and pretty chilly. The weird things is, I'm not feeling tired; which I usually do. I look out the window as snow gently fell down onto the lawn. I run down the stairs, put on my coat and a pair of boots and rushed out the door, smiling uncontrollably.

"Annastasia?" A familiar voice said and even though it was a question I hear the disbelief behind it. I turn around and face her a snowball in my hand. Christine stares wide eyed at me. I feel tears form in my eyes. I thought I was over it. The snowball falls onto the ground, the snow shattering onto my shoe.

"No. No no no no no no." She says turning away from me and running. I race to her. What? The dreams don't usually go like this. She shouldn't be running. What the hell? I soon start to realize where we are heading to. But I don't know why.

"Christine!" I call as she enters the hospital and runs up the stairs. "Christine!" I call out again as she stopes near a door. I walk up to her and hold on to her arm. What the hell is going on? My mum. My mum exits the room with tears in her eyes.

"Christine what is going on!" I scream as my mum walked past not even acknowledging me. Christine ignores me as she enters through the half open door and I follow.

"You're still alive." She whispers.

"Of course! Why would I..." only then I notice the girl lying on the hospital bed. With tube after tube coming out of her arms, her face,her chest. Her head has a large bandage on it. Her blond her lay flat on the pillow. My dad sat next to the bed holding the girls pale hand.

The girl looks dead.
The girl is me.

My hand falls to my mouth as I gasp in shock. I look so...dead. The the only thing showing that I was still alive was the steady beap of the monitor showing my heart beat. I look at my dad. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. He had more than the normal amount of grey hair.

"It's all my fault." My dad says holding onto my hand. "I should have stopped you. Then you wouldn't have fallen." A tear drops onto the mattress and I walk to my dad. "I wish you were still here." I place my hand onto into his shoulder but it's like I haven't touched him at all.

"I'm here dad." I say. "I'm not dead! Look at me! Dad!" I scream as tears pour down my cheeks. "I'm not dead. I'm right here!" But my dad acted like it was all silent. My mum came into the room sitting down on the chair next to my dad. "Mum! Tell dad I'm not dead! Tell him I'm not in a coma!"

"What did the doctor say?" My dad asks not looking up.

"Nothing new. Her condition is stable. But she's not showing any improvements." She answers.

"Mum!I'm!" I scream punching the wall. "No. Anna wake up and everything's gonna be fine. Wake up!"

"Anna." My mums says

"Finally! Mum look I'm al...." I start but she isn't looking at me, but at the me on the bed.

"I miss you so much." She whispers.

"Anna. Come with me." Christine's soft voice begged and I left the room. Christine leads me out of the hospital and into an old building.

"Mr Hagutash!" She calls out and a man roughly in his 60's came out his long beard following his body.

"Ahh Christine! Hellooo." He smiles and show many missing teeth.

"What the hell is Annastasia doing here!" She yells at the man.

"Remeber Miles. The guy who came last week. He's still alive too!"

"Ok but what has Anna got to do with it!" Chris yells clearly infuriated.

"Well he's not very nice. So, Annastasia came to make him nicer and fall in love."

"Are you mad!" Chris screams at him waving her hands. "You put her in a coma so she can make a guy fall in love with her?!"

"Yep!" The old man said.

"Oh No. You are going to wake her up right now. She's got a loving family crying right now. You are NOT keeping her here to fall in love!" She tells waving her arms about.

"Yo! Hegut. The fuck am I supposed to do here. None of my mates are here or any hoes. It's boring." Says a boy around my age as he comes in. His chestnut brown hair fell over his piercing- maybe even cold or intimidating- green eyes. He has a sharp jawline and a beautifully sculpted face.

"Miles. Meet Annastasia. Annastasia meet Miles." The mad man says smiling.

"Hi, nice to meet..." I start but he cuts me of, glaring into my directing.

"Yeah. I don't give a crap." He says his toned arms folded against his chest.

"This is Miles?!" Chris screams. The mad man just looks at her and walks away singing under his breath.

"So you're the chick I have to fall in love with?" He asks his stone cold eyes looking in my direction.

"I guess." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"He could have at least given me someone hot. You're like a 1/10." He says his mouth in a frown.

"Excuse me! At least I'm not a fucking asshole getting a different hoe every night." I shout at him.

"Come on Anna. We're going." Chris says pulling me out of the old building.

"Where am I?" I ask her as we neared a park.

"This is the place for the dead 'souls' I suppose." She answers serioulsy.

"I'm not gonna wake up?" I stutter, afraid. This can't be real.

"This is real. I'm sorry. But the mad man will not wake you up before you fall in love with that asshole." Chris answers and I pull her into a hug.

"I missed you." I whisper as I hugged her.

"I missed you too Anna." She says patting my back. I sigh and pull back. I can't believe I have to fall in love with that douche.

"I'm gonna have to fall in love, aren't I?" I ask wishing for her to say it's a joke and I'm gonna wake up soon. Christine sighs and looks at her feet. Something she would often do when still alive when she was confused and angry. I sit down resting my back on a tree.

Welcome to my new book. The first parts will be short and I'll try to update as much as possible. Comment your opinions down below I would love to hear them! And vote if you liked this part!


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