Chapter 3

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For some reason I wake up in the early hours of the morning. The dream it felt so real and...wait, this- this is not my bed. I roll over, more bed. My bed isn't this big. I open my eyes and sit up. Morror. Balcony. Pink rug. Random door. This is not my room. I pinch my arm and feel the pain. No. Why have I not woken up. I scramble out of bed. The city is dark. . Why have I not woken up. I feel as if the walls are closing around me. Locking me in the room. Wait why is it spinning? I run to the door nearly tripping on the way. The stairs seem long, longer than last time as I run all the way down them and put out of the living room into the hallway. The roof. I see an emergency staircase and push the doors open, running up the stairs two at a time. I get to the top and see the last door. I grab the handle and try to unlock the door. Locked. I look around for anything to open the door, a bobby lays on the floor. I snatch it into my hand and unlock the door. The cool air clears my head and I immidiently feel better.

"Thought it was a dream, eh?" I hear Miles say from behind me. I turn to face him and he walks to the edge and looks out onto the city. "That's what I thought." He says taking out a cigarette and lights it. I watch him, curiously. He seems calm, as if he wasn't partially dead. "I hoped I would wake up to my friends but I didn't." He turn to face me and walks towards me, a slight sway to his walk.

"Are you...drunk?" I ask walking backwards. He puts the cigarette down to his side.

"Nahh. Just slightly tips." He says but I don't believe him. I keep walking backwards until I hit the other side of the roof. He walks forwards a bit until were less than a foot away from each other. His eyes are bloodshot with dark bags under them. They seem even brighter and his cheek slightly damp. He puffs on the cigarette and I instantly choke on the drug.

"Don't smoke than near me." I say caughing. He drops the cigarette and crushes it with his foot. I look behind me onto the street which seems a long way down. "How did you get into a coma?" I ask knowing this is the only time I will get an answer.

"Car accident." His breath reeks of alcohol. I look at him his dark hair in a mess as if he ran his hands through it many times. "How did you get here?"

"I," I think. Do I tell him the truth? He won't remeber this tomorrow. "Fell."

He lets out a laugh and backs away slightly. "Wow you fell and that put you in a coma? That's weak."

"Yeah it's fucking weak to fall of a fucking rock on a cliff a good 20 meters high." I snap back, moving slightly to the right to get away from him. He watches me. His eyes looking straight into mine. A small smirk on his face.

"Awww. Sorry Rapunzel don't get mad." He laughs and I move behind him, arms folded across my chest. He turn to look at me.

"I told you not to call me Rapunzel." I sigh dropping my arms. I look down onto the city. I look at the drop. I can just fall any minute. I sprint to the middle of the area. Away from all the walls. Miles walks towards me cautiously.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed at you." He says quietly looking onto the ground. I look around anywhere but at him. The sun was just starting to rise. Making the tall office buildings glow. I start walking to the door.

"Anna." He says and I stop my hand midway to the handle. "I think if we have met in real life it would be different..."

"No. It wouldn't." I state staring at the door."You don't mean what you are saying right now, you're drunk. I know you are. You'll hate me again, the next time you see me, and that's fine. Well, it's not. You may not have people who care about you, but I do. And right now they're wondering when I will wake up, if I wake up, and..." I close my eyes as I feel the tears coming. My mum, my dad, my sister. A tear drops and I let it run down my cheek. "and I want to wake up, but I have a feeling I won't, that I'll always look lifeless, as if there is no hope left for me. " I exit down the stairs wiping away tears. He might be calling my name. I doubt it. The stairs seems shorter now and I soon reach my floor and enter into the living room.

"Anna? Where were you?" Christine asks and I look at her, not knowing what to say. I shouldn't tell her about Miles, should I? It doesn't matter anyways. I'm going to be the only one to remember the interaction. He wasn't in the right state of mind.

"I- I just needed some air," I tell her and somehow I know she doesn't believe me. We were friends for years. Her look just proved that she didn't but she knows not to push me to answer things.

"How are we gonna eat?" I ask her. She packs her bag quickly.

"Just because we don't have 'sleeping quaters' doesn't mean we don't have a street for us. We can't just nip into MacDonald's and order 20 chicken nuggets." She says throwing my bag to me. She walks out of the door and locks it behind me.

"Chris?" I ask and she turns to look at me. "Do we just stay here, forever? The same age. The same us? As if we're stuck in time?"

"Kind of. We all have kind of a mission to complete and when we do we get reincarnated, as someone else. You have to change Miles. And I have to, erm, make you happy." She says scratching her neck.

"Me, happy?" I wonder. I'm happy.  I mean as happy as I can be in a coma.

"I'm mean. How do you say this? After I died I know you weren't in the best place. You thought you would never be fully happy again." I nod knowing how true her statement is. She nervously looks to the ground. She doesn't need to say anything else. I understand. She'll start living another life as soon as I start living mine again. She makes me happy and I never see her again.

Sorry I was MIA for like a year. Ooopppss. I just got a new phone ages ago and forgot to reinstall wattpad. I'll try starting to update this semi regularly now. Bit I honestly don't know wether to carry on with this story.~ Natalia

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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