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It was amazing. Just amazing. There is no other worlds to describe it.

I remember every second I've passed with him, from the first time I saw him, In the hall of this hostel, to our kiss. I didn't expect that. But when he did it, it was... Magic. Everything around us disappeared, the people around too, the noise of the ocean was replaced by that of the beating of our hearts, and the sea's odor left for Alan's one. Oh my god, I can't describe how I love his smell...

Now, I feel so strange. I don't know this feeling at all, and it's so... surprising. I mean, I just think at him, at our kiss, in front of the sunset, and how magical it was. Right now, I only this I hear is his name, and see his face. And, that's like he obsess me every second of my life. And, right now, I'm still smiling for absolutely NOTHING. I mean, I see someone, I smile. I open a door, I smile. I smell something I like, I smile, and so on, and so on, and so on. I'm not used to that, generally I'm more... sarcastic. Except with Alan...

- I can't understand ! That's so new for me, so... magic, and I don't understand magic. That's too abstract for me, I mean, feeling lost. Like love...

Love... Oh no. I can't having fallen in love, that's impossible, not so quickly ! I know him for just two weeks ! Two weeks ! And he lives so far from me...

-England and Switzerland are too far, international love is..., I get angry all by myself, because of my incomprehension, international love is... Ok, one of the best things in this world, but no ! How will I do, when I'll return home ? How ?

Oh no, Mia, what happened in your head... But now, I know I have no choice. I have to see Alan.

Right now.

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